Some People Are Truely Pathetic

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Fish Fanatic
Jul 5, 2009
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Alberta, Canada

Ashamed to even think this piece of garbage human being lives in the same country as me

Wow, what a something unmentionable....

That's like people who poison your dog/cat.
yeah its quite pathetic to kill something as helpless as a fish

The Ontario Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said the case would not fall under animal cruelty because fish are non-vertebrates.
Thats the stupidest thing Ive read today

If fish are non-vertebrates, then they're implying that they're invertebrates, which is false, fish have a spine so they are vertebrates.
yeah its quite pathetic to kill something as helpless as a fish

The Ontario Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said the case would not fall under animal cruelty because fish are non-vertebrates.
Thats the stupidest thing Ive read today


i was surprised to read that, you'd think that if anyone would be sympathetic it'd be animal rights people.
i don't know how they get away with that, 'Non human vertibrate'. Is the Canadian RSPCA only intrested in Human Vertibrate then? shouldn't they be called the 'Police'?
If fish are non-vertebrates, then they're implying that they're invertebrates, which is false, fish have a spine so they are vertebrates.

Yeah, she sure made the society looks clever then :rolleyes: - Fish are, in fact, vertebrates because, as you say, they have a spine. The ignorance of some people never fails to shock me, but in this case it saddens me as it shows a blatant ignorance within societies that should know better!
I hope that someone gets that changed because this is going to raise a lot of eye brows. I hope whoever did this gets caught.

Apparently it happened before in Canada and the guy got caught. Turned out he had used dishwasher tabs

I suggest anyone in the Ontario area emails that SPCA and points out the blatant vertebrate error...people working with animals would surely have learnt this back in junior school??

As for that, that's shocking really, someone really malicious did that, maybe they had a disgruntled ex-friend or staff member or something.
I can't understand why anyone would do that to any living creature to be honest. Not out of spite towards the shop keepers anyways. I mean go ahead and smash the shop up and steal supplies. Or smash up all the empty tanks... but to kill those fish to get at the person.
1. Cowardly (even if caught they are unlikely to get a fair sentence)
2. Heartless

Also I think both the "non-vertebrates" and Shreds edited quote just sum up the general consensus regarding fish.
yeah its quite pathetic to kill something as helpless as a fish

The Ontario Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals said the case would not fall under animal cruelty because fish are non-vertebrates.
Thats the stupidest thing Ive read today


I had to read that sentence 3 times!

As for pouring bleach into the fishtanks...I'm saddened, but not surprised. If there are people out there who will quite happily starve a dog or a horse to death, or shoot a family of swans, or beat up/abuse/kill their own children...then of course there's those who would poison a fish. After all, fish are "lesser animals" right?? :grr:
Small bamboo sharks, lion fish and hundreds of rare shrimps were among the 700 exotic fish killed, along with endangered corals imported from Australia, Indonesia, Singapore and the Caribbean.

What jerk could have done this?
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