Colorful 10G Stocking Ideas?

I'm gonna make my own sponge filter, but I"ll probably add something that bubbles. I've ALWAYS wanted that too -giggles- lol

Nerite snail abuse, here I come, lol ;) I can block off the entrances. I'll find a way! But that's scary, poor snail. I'll def. keep that in mind.

Yeah, I'll go check out pygmy's at all the stores, would there be a chance that Petco and/or Petsmart will have them? It doesn't say on the web. Do you think they could GET them for me? *Prays* Ah, and same with cherry shrimp. I want cherry shrimp. Lol.

I gotta go do homework now. Don't expect to see me for a good 5 hours or so. Would still like tips, thanks for all the great ideas!!

Oh, and is it possible to keep neon tetras, cherry barbs (they're cute, lol), AND pygmy cories together? What would be th ebetter numbers?
I would suggest tetras OR cherry barbs for now with the pgymys. You need to see how the water stats hold at first. Oh and corys really do appreciate alot of aeration/water movement. So a sponge filter may not be the best choice if it's the only water movement.

Oh and phone up your local stores and ask. That's the best way I've found. Often they can order fish in, and if not they can atleast tell you what is in at the moment and what is on the next order.
Yeah, shame, I'll probably go for the neon tetras... but apparently they really don't do well in new tanks. What exactly is a "new tank", would a 2-month count as a new tank? Or is it more of the stats in a new tank? When would I be able to add them in?

And what do you think I should add for filtration? I may or may not get the walmart 10gal starter, either that or the completely plain 'n empty 10 gal. With no hood. (thats the main turn-off).

I'm going this weekend to various stores, I'll ask then. Like at Petco - I saw some bamboo shrimp there, but they don't have it on the website, so you know, I'm hoping. Ugh, i think Walmart has pygmy's.

I'll do that in time, thanks.
A new tank is normally anything less than 6 months old. No one knows exactly what causes the problems, but I figure it's a case of there being more micro-organisms that need to develop than just your basic filter bacs.

Adding neons to a tank that is less than 6months doesn't always result in deaths. But they definitely are more susceptible than some other fish.

Filtration wise you can stick with the sponge filter, but I'd suggest adding an air pump if you're doing that.
If not then a bog standard internal box filter would be a good alternative.
Just to throw in there alternatives to the neons: normani lampeyes, javanese ricefish, galaxy rasbora/celestial danios
Thanks for the ideas, I'll look into all those fish

And sailornight, I'm very aware, so I'll need to be super careful with that. Can't wait for the weekend! That's when I'll know what I'm doing.

Sad thing is, it may not be entirely done until... or even started until summer, haha.
Dwarf gourami - These fish really are too big for a 10 gal.

you really shouldn't state your opinions as fact. :sly: i've never heard of a dwarf gourami being too big for a 10 gallon. in fact, just out of the first 3 sites i found on google, they all say 10 gallons is appropriate. actually, one site even said a 5 gallon would work.
I never stated it as a fact. And I also don't just rely on random websites for my opinions.
I only use websites which are trusted, and then combine that with my own experience and the experiences of many other people on here. My opinion comes from many places and I quote the averages.
More often than not a 10gal leads to stress and agression with dwarf gouramis. The agression they normally direct towards own species spills out to any tank mate in general and they become much more prone to death and disease.

But can use google so clearly I must be wrong.
White sand with neons would be fine. I had some over white sand for ages, never had them on the black that I have now so can't really comment. But they coloured up nicely on the white sand as they had plenty of plant cover and a good varied diet.
may i suggest going to a lowes, or home depot any buy a 50 pound bag of play sand, that way if you ever want to expand, or have bad luck (one of my tanks shattered and i had to start over again.) you always have spare sand.

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