Just Starting Off


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2010
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
Hi i've got a tank bein set up quite a while i would just like advice on how to improve it here is the tank.




the plant pot is for the krebensis i have in there i think the female may have layed eggs but im not to sure.
thanks 4 veiwing as i am new to forum. if you have any advice then plz let me know. I will get some more colourful fish and ones that don't hide so much :look: . which fish would be best any ideas???:S
First improvement would be to move the heater to one of the sides so it is not so 'in your face'

Many 'old hands' are not too keen on un natural decorations (like the axe and chest) but that is just a personal thing.

Also it is always good to add some info. like tank size/capacity filtration etc. Also some history like how long it has been set up and if you cycled it blah blah.

Looks like a wet/dry trickle filter to me and an airstone maybe?

Hope this is helpful to you :good:
Hi i've got a tank bein set up quite a while i would just like advice on how to improve it here is the tank.




the plant pot is for the krebensis i have in there i think the female may have layed eggs but im not to sure.
thanks 4 veiwing as i am new to forum. if you have any advice then plz let me know. I will get some more colourful fish and ones that don't hide so much :look: . which fish would be best any ideas???:S

if you want your fishes color to stand out more you should make sure that your gravel and decorations aren't brightly colored. you should get yourself some tall plants for the background. real or fake. you should definitely keep some low maintenance real plants though even if only a few small ones.

if you want active fish that wont hide as much, really do your research before buying. i went through a lot of fish-changing before i found fish i actually like. really think it through. good luck
i think that you should get en airstone and a few more live plants and a better coloured light like more yellowish
Thanks 4 the advice i will look upon that. The tank has bein set up for about 2 years now the tank is 24inches long i have redecorated and added some plants with a air stone. i will take some pics and put them on soon ok. :hyper: :good:
The real plants look nice :good: What fish do you have currently?
Your heater looks better there, but it still needs to be at an angle. If it's straight like that, all the water heated at the bottm rises to the top of the heater where the thermostat is. The thermostat thinks the water's hot enough and so switches off. Diagonally, the thermostat reads a temperature more like the whole tank temp :)
thanks i currently have bleeding heart tetra's there is some other tetra's but i don't know what they are called also i have 2 krebensis. there is a little flow in the water from the long air bubble stone would i still need to move the heater? i was also thinking of putting in some neon, cardenail and rummynose tetra's would they go alright with the other fish i have? :unsure:
Looks a good tank, with the addition of the plants.

As for fish recommendations, If you want something that will live fine & cause no worries. Zebra Danios, not the most colourful or exotic fish, but pretty cool none the less, I have 5 and they are so easy to keep!


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