Search results

  1. M

    Giant Betta At Petco

    dont bettas in stores do that all the time? i dont know anything about giant bettas though, how big were they?
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    Heater Failed

    wow, i guess i should consider buying a new heater then.. the heater im using now was my fathers and god knows how it is. probably over 20 years
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    A Few Kuhli Questions.

    4 foot tank? you should go for dojo loaches :D bigger, more active, less shy, still peaceful... all good things.
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    New 2.5 Gallon Tank Setup

    ah, i was expecting the window question. my house just got new windows installed last year so the draft is very minimal, if even present. thanks for your words, whats the cheapest way to get black plastic mesh?
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    1 Fish, 2 Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish!

    hm.. just out of curiosity, what types are you into?
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    New 2.5 Gallon Tank Setup

    any opinions? filtered and heated home to frank. all real plants. im gonna need to get myself a light though if they're gonna survive. i also need a better lid because the one it came with is ridiculous... it literally covers the entire surface area so there isnt any air exposure. you'd...
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    Black Background Makes Betta Flare

    i disagree. bettas flare at their reflections because they believe there is an imminent threat. I understand that occasional flaring promotes good health, but i think its logical to assume that a constant feeling of being threatened would stress a fish out.
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    I Never Wanted A Betta

    yeah, ive heard people say that bettas are boring but i dont know where that comes from. if you give them a nice tank design they'll constantly be exploring and patrolling their territory. and as someone else said, they seem fearless at times. mine will sometimes bite my hand over and over if...
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    Black Background Makes Betta Flare

    i set the background up for about 3 minutes and then i took it down. it was immediately obvious that he wasn't having it
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    Aggressive Firemouth

    i think firemouths are supposed to be peaceful in a relative way. that is, if you put them in a tank with similar sized or larger cichlids, they'll most likely keep to themselves.
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    Black Background Makes Betta Flare

    i put black posterboard behind the tank as a background and it looked really nice... but my betta just flares at it continuously. i think he can see his reflection in the glass when the posters there. would this same problem occur if i painted it? any thoughts?
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    6 Gallon Eclipse Stocking Ideas

    some cherry shrimp, a dwarf frog, a betta, and a snail. thatd be nice i think
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    Got A New Fish Today (Please Read)

    yeah, i hear you. great quote in your signature by the way
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    Got A New Fish Today (Please Read)

    lol he bought me a 2 dollar fish for my birthday... nearly a week after my birthday. i'm not gonna be harsh but im not too worried about hurting his feelings right now. :huh:
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    Got A New Fish Today (Please Read)

    i explained to him what i think it is and he responded by telling me that the fish is too small for aggression right now... and if it grows up with the community fish it'll get used to the tankmates and therefore wont show aggression even when its large. i think hes full of it. any opinions?
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    Got A New Fish Today (Please Read)

    could be. he said the others in the tank were yellow so that might make sense. i also found a picture of what it might be. tangerine zebra
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    Got A New Fish Today (Please Read)

    this is probably going to turn out to be a headache. my birthday just passed and my dad wanted to buy me something so he came home today with a fish for my community tank. he claims its a "dwarf african cichlid". the fish is tiny right now... about the size of a mid-sized tetra... such as a...
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    Lfs Standards Dropping Lately?

    i guess i have lower standards than the rest of you. i could literally go to any fish store around me (about 5 of them) at any given time and find a dead or dying fish. lol and i dont understand where the sympathy line is drawn. i mean, to my knowledge even great fish stores sell feeder fish...
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    Might Get Some Gouramis Need Info

    from what i hear, all the females lack color. even the color morph females are plain silver
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    Has Anyone Ever Tried This?

    lol yeah... youre right. i think the bright colors are a little over the top. its unnatural looking and it would take away from the fish's colors instead of embracing them. im just flirting was the idea of mimicking a salt water tank with freshwater fish. african cichlids im thinkin
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    Has Anyone Ever Tried This? its insanely expensive so i wanna know more about it before considering buying
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    What Stocking In My 9 Ft Tank As A Community

    if you're lookin for another big fish kissing gouramis, giant gouramis, and snake skin gouramis are relatively peaceful and theyre supposed to get very big in a large aquarium (12 inches for kissing, 33 for giant, and 10 for snakeskin).
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    Betta With Shrimp?

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    Trying To Narrow Down My Fish-Scratching Problem

    i do a 30-50% water change weekly. its a 20 gallon long. i keep 2 dojo loaches in it that take up a majority of the bioload. they'll be taken out in a couple weeks though when i set up my 55 gallon. that should take care of the ammonia trace. i try to compromise between my tropical and cold...
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    Trying To Narrow Down My Fish-Scratching Problem

    the water is could be better but i dont understand why my minnows would be affected more than the rest. white clouds are some of the hardiest fish around. nitrates are at 30, theres some small trace of ammonia (about 25), and 0 nitrates. ive had ich problems before and its been different than...
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    Trying To Narrow Down My Fish-Scratching Problem

    I added 8 white mountain cloud minnows to my mature 20 gallon tank about a month or two ago. Since I've had them they have been scratching themselves against surfaces. I see this happen a few times everyday. However, its not ich, I've ruled that out. Its a community tank and I think its...
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    Brown 'dirt' On Leaves

    ah #39####. i wish i had read this earlier. i just bought 3 otos yesterday and they were picked at random. they're all active and attacking the algae though so thats good. the tank is pretty densely planted so they'll have a lot of work to do before their food runs out. lack of circulation...
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    Co2 In A 2.5 Gallon Tank

    is it possible? right now i have a betta and a couple ghost shrimp in there with some live plants. i'd imagine the plants will die off eventually though if i dont add a light and/or some co2. if anyone has an idea for a light that would help too. thanks.
  29. M

    Cool Ideas For A 2.5G?

    paradise fish maybe?
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    Brown 'dirt' On Leaves

    nice, im glad i asked. the plants would look a lot better without that brown algae.
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    Lets See Your Tank :)

    :good: haha didnt mean to be a prick. this is the forum i was talkin about earlier
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    Brown 'dirt' On Leaves

    for the longest time i thought my plants were just dying when some of their leaves turned brown. but the other day i noticed that many of the leaves themselves aren't brown at all. there is a layer of brown dirt that i can scratch off with my fingernail. there are quite a few of these around...
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    Lets See Your Tank :)

    hmm... i dont wanna be a downer, but there is a forum for this :look:
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    Where Should I Put My Co2 Diffuser?

    right now its behind some plants on the opposite end of most the water circulation. will it naturally spread out or should i move it?
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    Anyone Willing To Ship Plants From

    really? that would be awesome, any idea how much it'd cost? im looking for the cheapest shipping method possible.
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    Anyone Willing To Ship Plants From

    i figured it cant hurt to ask :look: . 25 plants for 4.99 on the only problem is the seller doesn't ship to the US. if any nice person from the UK is willing to buy some of these plants for me and ship them over to the states (pennsylvania), it would be extremely appreciated. im...
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    Stocking Suggestions Anybody?

    from what i understand dwarf cichlids are much less aggressive than the bigger ones. they're generally compatible in community tanks, especially rams.
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    from what i hear angels and kribs definitely eat shrimp. the gold gourami might too. i hear some people can get away with rams though.
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    What's Your Favorite Fish?

    as for the best looking in terms of freshwater fish, i think the blue ram and the electric blue jack dempsey are mindblowing. i've never had either of them though :angry: fish that look this good make me think i'll never bother with saltwater tanks.