

Fish Addict
May 31, 2009
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we have a 412 community tank with
angels x 6 small
kribs x 2
rams x 3
cherry barbs x 12
neons x 8
golden gouami x 2
and more tetras

would shrimp just become food?
if so what fish would eat them?

oh by the way its heavily planted,
angels and rams will defo eat smaller shrimp and maybe the kribs and gourami too. you may get away with larger amanos.....
from what i hear angels and kribs definitely eat shrimp. the gold gourami might too. i hear some people can get away with rams though.
from what i hear angels and kribs definitely eat shrimp. the gold gourami might too. i hear some people can get away with rams though.

My Rams did great with the cherries..


Looks like he is smoking a cigar. Throw another Shrimp on the barby... :lol:
I would worry more about the angels eating the cherry barbs and neons as they grow more than adding shrimpy food
and yeah the angels will eat the shrimp up like bloodworm and the ones they cant swallow they will still try to tuck in to anyway the pic above of the ram shows what i mean
scot :)

sorry if my post seems negative just dont want you to waste your time or money :good:
every one seems so negitive about angels lately,
but ive kept angels with everything over the last 6 years with no bother,
the only time i had trouble is when they were with a betta and at that it was the betta attacking them,
and when i kept them with guppies they enjoyed the fry but didnt go near the adults, and i have never lost a neon to an angel so i doubt i could loose a cherry barb.

and i know everyone will say im just lucky but i really dont think i am, i think they are not as bad to be made out to be..

saying this i never introduced a large angel with neons, they have always grown up with each other
fish will try and eat anything that will fit in their mouth may it be an angel, discus, ram, platy etc etc angels get big and so do their mouths. dwarf shrimp like cherries stay small so when discovered by the fish will become lunch even in a well planted tank its only a matter of time...... my 2 large angels munched through almost 50 cherry shrimp in a planted tank within a week the only ones left were 4 amanos and smaller cherrys that got sucked into the filter!

angels also eat neons in the wild as do discus so mixing them is a gamble too, they are not BAD fish they are just higher up in the food chain than neons, shrimp etc etc..... its advised that if you are to add smaller tetra type fish with angels then go for fuller bodied ones like serpae, black skirt etc etc as the angel doesnt see them as eatable where as a small thin torpedo shape fish fits nicely into the angels mouth and most of the time eventually does.

by all means try the shrimp but im 99.9% sure it will be a waste of your cash
fish will try and eat anything that will fit in their mouth may it be an angel, discus, ram, platy etc etc angels get big and so do their mouths. dwarf shrimp like cherries stay small so when discovered by the fish will become lunch even in a well planted tank its only a matter of time...... my 2 large angels munched through almost 50 cherry shrimp in a planted tank within a week the only ones left were 4 amanos and smaller cherrys that got sucked into the filter!

angels also eat neons in the wild as do discus so mixing them is a gamble too, they are not BAD fish they are just higher up in the food chain than neons, shrimp etc etc..... its advised that if you are to add smaller tetra type fish with angels then go for fuller bodied ones like serpae, black skirt etc etc as the angel doesnt see them as eatable where as a small thin torpedo shape fish fits nicely into the angels mouth and most of the time eventually does.

by all means try the shrimp but im 99.9% sure it will be a waste of your cash
get some Rock/Bamboo shrimp, they are hard as nails and filter feed, great to watch. They are a little more expensive than cherrys or ghosts
My Gold Gouramis ate all my Cherry Shrimp without them even touching the sides, my Amano Shrimps when I first bought them hid behind the filter for about a month but now they're roaming all round the tanks and the fish don't bother them, in fact they jump on food so the other fish can't eat it.
The two angel fish I recently got have removed most of the cherry shrimp out of my 55gal. I use to have GBR that I raised from .25" fry. The GBR always lived with cherry shrimp and never really bothered them much.

Most fish will eat a few, especially baby cherry shrimp, but won't really effect the population. Other types of fish will hunt down every single shrimp they can.

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