Has Anyone Ever Tried This?


Apr 6, 2009
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its insanely expensive so i wanna know more about it before considering buying
Never tried it, but I think it's looks like it would fit right in a tank with extermeley bright gravel, divers and Oyster bubble makers..

For the costs, you could make something far more appealing. Again, just my opinion.
Never tried it, but I think it's looks like it would fit right in a tank with extermeley bright gravel, divers and Oyster bubble makers..

For the costs, you could make something far more appealing. Again, just my opinion.

lol yeah... youre right. i think the bright colors are a little over the top. its unnatural looking and it would take away from the fish's colors instead of embracing them. im just flirting was the idea of mimicking a salt water tank with freshwater fish. african cichlids im thinkin
I feel you can get the same effect with just using the white holey rock. People often see them with cichlids in and think they're marine. In fact, it's the closest you can get to looking marine, without it being so.. I reckon.
my brother had one years back. not same quality but same stuff.

in few weeks time, Coralline algae is all over it.. hard to take it of with brush without damage the detailed hand painted corals. at the end he had a brownish looking pink thing.

when asked, this You Tube guy said.. since u r not going to have anemones you don't need marine lighting... just tube are fine.

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