Betta With Shrimp?


New Member
Sep 7, 2009
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i have a cherry shrimp in a 1 gallon tank and he is alone. i was wondering if it would be alright to put either a female or male betta with him??

first of all bettas need heated and filtered 5 gallons and bettas sometimes eat shrimp

so best your shrimp stays all alone
Well if you're willing to be very dedicated to him (constant water changes every other day, every three days) it COULD work. Not sure about the shrimp though. I'd just get more shrimp. But even then you still need water changes because shrimp need clean water to live.
even then they need a heater so no it wouldnt work
The hydor heater seems to have worked for others. I'm not saying don't get a 5 gallon - definitely get it if you can. Or even upgrade. If you can't, then get the hydor heater, and do water changes almost every other day. IMO it's simpler to get a larger tank - more maintenance.
The hydor heater seems to have worked for others. I'm not saying don't get a 5 gallon - definitely get it if you can. Or even upgrade. If you can't, then get the hydor heater, and do water changes almost every other day. IMO it's simpler to get a larger tank - less maintenance.

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