New 2.5 Gallon Tank Setup


Apr 6, 2009
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any opinions?


filtered and heated home to frank.

all real plants. im gonna need to get myself a light though if they're gonna survive. i also need a better lid because the one it came with is ridiculous... it literally covers the entire surface area so there isnt any air exposure. you'd think the tank making people would know better. :blink: im thinking of getting some type of screen to use as a lid. any suggestions?

its a work in progress, but i like how its coming along so far. frank seems to dig it too. im gonna fill the bare side up with a couple more plants... and im hoping to add some floating plants too if i can ever find some.
Does your temp. ever fluctuate, since it's by a window? Just curious.

I would probably add tall and/or floating plants :) But it looks gorgeous

You could get some black plastic mesh if you're up for it ? Just from the top of my head.
Does your temp. ever fluctuate, since it's by a window? Just curious.

I would probably add tall and/or floating plants :) But it looks gorgeous

You could get some black plastic mesh if you're up for it ? Just from the top of my head.

ah, i was expecting the window question. my house just got new windows installed last year so the draft is very minimal, if even present.

thanks for your words, whats the cheapest way to get black plastic mesh?
Ah, I see, haha. Could've just said that, huh? Lol :)

Any craft store, really. Or Walmart (but I've only seen white there). Mainly craft stores, I've seen them in colors from the rainbow. Very cheap as well.

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