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  1. T

    My Abei Puffers

    i used to have a abei puffer, great little character and ate like a pig, poor thing ended up on the floor one day as i had my hand in the tank and the little sod bit me , i pulled my hand out super quick not realising that he must have been still attached to my finger, i was looking in the tank...
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    i've tried cotton and super glue and find the glue much better.
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    i'm not sure what the shrimp is but my friend had one exactly like it and it grew to about 4 or 5 inches long and ate loads of his fish so he gave it to the LFS
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    S&C aquatics have a stock list on aquarist classified which they update daily which is helpful :)
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    New Puffer Ate My Shark!

    green spotted puffers are high end brackish to full marine only they won't fair very well in fresh water and they won't get on with other tank mates unless it's another spotted puffer, i've kept them before and once they have killed and eaten a live fish the others won't be safe.
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    fish alive in durham is good never had a problem there and always has good stock, i've been a little disappointed with chilton aquatics as they seem to have a massive stock list but not that much actually in stock. there is a fairly new shop in stanley S&C aquatics ,they have good stocks with...
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    Channa Pulchra - Where Have They All Gone?

    ah yes i saw your ad on there, when i bought mine there was a tank with five pulcra in it and two where in perfect condition and the other three where battered, so i bought the two that were ok thinking that maybe they had already started to pair up. they were fighting for the first couple of...
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    Channa Pulchra - Where Have They All Gone?

    my LFS seems to get pulchra in quite often i've got a possible pair that i got from there a few weeks ago but they only have 1 pulchra left, they have rainbows in stock, probably to far from you anyway it's in durham. there is a guy from the snakehead forum advertising 3 stewarti 1 male and 2...
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    Led Build

    i'm interested in making some led lights, how do you calculate how many and watt power you need to replacing the existing lights, at the moment my tank has 2 24watt t5 tubes :)
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    Java / Chrismass Moss

    received mine yesterday nice healthy moss, cheers :good:
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    Fish Id

    i've looked up clown killi fish and it looks like you are spot on with you id....cheers :good:
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    Fish Id

    nope not a bumble bee goby, the shop i got them from specialises in killi fish and live bearers the guy did tell me there name but i forgot.
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    Fish Id

    i got two of these fish today from my LFS they made it into the bag by accident the owner said they were killifish ,sorry about the bad pic they are tiny less than a inch :)
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    Could Anyone Properly Identify This Fish?

    i breed convict and i would say that that is a HRP, i've spoken to people in fish shops before who think that HRP is just another name for a convict :no:
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    Java / Chrismass Moss

    i'll take a clump if you have any left.
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    Archer Fish?

    they are a brackish fish ,i think there is a fresh water archer but it's fairly rare, they eat insects in the wild, i've kept a few that would happily eat floating pellets and also crickets or any other kind of insect, they prefer the food to be floating mine would ignore anything that sank...
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    New Bichir Id Please!

    lovely fish, looking forward to some pic's :good:
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    What Are Some Fairly Easy Species To Breed?

    must depend on where you live, here i can buy sajica's for the same price as convicts about £4 each but never see hrp :)
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    Convicts Have Developed Bright Orange Markings

    yep thats a female ,ive got a young female convict thats just started to show it's orange and it's less than an inch long. you will only have a problem if they start breeding and you have any other fish in the tank.
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    Transporting Fish By Bicycle

    they will be fine i've swapped fish with a mate of mine from work a times and he takes them home by bike ,never been a problem they probably get worse when they get delivered by post.
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    External Filter

    eheim aqua ball ,exellent filter and pretty much silent :)
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    Jbl External Filter Noise

    i had a problem with a new eheim 2217 filter that was noisy ,i tried bleeding it several times and it was till loud have you tried switching it on and off every few seconds seemed to help a lot with mine, also check all the fittings are tight as the noise is nearly always caused by trapped air...
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    Jewel 70 Rekord Whole Setup

    i've got one of these tanks and it's a nice size and absolute bargain at that price ,i'm amazed you havn't sold it yet :)
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    Single Male Convict - Aggression In Community ?

    i wouldn't rule a con out, i've kept them for years and i've got a single male now in a community tank who was an absolute terror when i had him with a female, but he is fine now, he hates a jewel cichild i have in there but doesn't bother any of the other fish, he just chases the jewel whenever...
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    Red Severum

    very hard to sex red severums and a lot of them are infertile.
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    Hang On Filter

    i've been think of changing my internal filter for a hang on filter to give me a little bit more space inside the tank, i've seen loads of good reviews for the hagan power filter but it doesn't seem to be available in the uk. i've also seen the eheim libert filters which are available here but...
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    Best Way To Euthanize A Fish?

    you can but clove oil at most chemist's :)
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    Channa Bleheri Diet

    try earthworms snakeheads love them :)
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    Bogwood With Attached Java Ferns

    thanks for the bogwood i picked up today nice healthy java fern on it, the spotted bush fish looks settled already in his new home :good:
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    Water Change

    i asked this question on the snakehead form and a lot of people on there only change the water 4 times a year.
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    Convict Breeding

    everytime my females tube is down is normally about 4 days and the there are eggs :)
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    Bogwood With Attached Java Ferns

    any left, i could collect if you still have any :)
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    New Betta With Fin Rot

    ok thanks, i'll just keep the water clean and keep an eye on it :)
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    New Betta With Fin Rot

    i picked up a nice but very small crowntail male, i didn't notice till i got him in the tank but on a couple of his trailers there seems to be a bit of white which i'm assuming is a bit of fungus or fin rot. do you think i should as some salt to his tank or just keep the water clean and see if...
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    Full Marine Figure 8 Puffer?

    nope f8 puffers should only be kept in low end brackish water, green spotted puffers are high end brackish to full marine :)
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    Red Eye Puffer

    i've had a few puffers, dwarf's, green spotted, ceylon but the abei i had was the best character by a mile :)
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    20 Gallon Puffer Tank.

    mine was very active my i was near the tank, bright lights didn't bother him, very cool fish to own had a huge appetite and absolutely no tank mates, it will anything else that is in there, even bit me a couple of times, made water changes fun :)
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    Multi's (Again)

    i've kept multis at around ph 7.4 no problems at all.
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    20 Gallon Puffer Tank.

    i used to keep a few puffers and had a Abei Puffer in a 20 gallon ,i think the recommended tank size is actually 25 gallons but a 20 would be fine they get to about 4" and is a true fresh water puffer :)
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    Tips And Tricks For Eheim 2217?

    i have one and have the double taps fitted and i've never spilt any water when cleaning out the filter, if you don't have the double taps i would invest in some as it makes life a whole lot easier :)