Transporting Fish By Bicycle


New Member
Aug 2, 2011
Reaction score
Dundee, Scotland
I want to go to the nearest Dobbies but it is a 45 minute bicycle ride away. It is fairly smooth. Would some tetras be ok in my rucksack in a bag? I have no access to a car and there are no buses.

Thanks, Ross.
Should be ok.
Try be as gentle as possible when moving the rucksack around.
depends. bumpiness and rigid shaking on the bike won't be good for them. try and keep the ride smooth and quick for best results (obviously) but if your careful enough they should be ok imo. :good:
depends. bumpiness and rigid shaking on the bike won't be good for them. try and keep the ride smooth and quick for best results (obviously) but if your careful enough they should be ok imo. :good:
Remember people post fish!
Do you think the postie is really takes a lot of care?

and the ride in the po van won't be that steady!
I've done it loads of times, the bumps will be the same as in a car, just at a slower speed, heck I cycle 20 miles to get to an LFS or just FS in this case, just take a ruck sack, double bag the fish, and wrap the bags in towels.
they will be fine i've swapped fish with a mate of mine from work a times and he takes them home by bike ,never been a problem
they probably get worse when they get delivered by post.
So I went today, and couldn't resist getting the fish when I got there :)

It went fine and they same happy now and have returned to their proper colour.

Had to battle the wind and rain to get them home!
Good man
saves another trip on the bike :good:

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