My Abei Puffers


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
I;ve had these two for about4 months now, I didnt know what they were when I bought them and research on here suggested get rid of one but these two get on perfectly fine. They are in a tank on the kitchen worktop and they are ace little characters always following me round the kitchen





Nice fish but i love that snake :hyper:.. Bet he/shes got some growing to do.
i used to have a abei puffer, great little character and ate like a pig, poor thing ended up on the floor one day as i had my hand in the tank and the little sod bit me , i pulled my hand out super quick not realising that he must have been still attached to my finger, i was looking in the tank to see where he had gone to when i heard a strange gurgling noise and there he was on the floor behind me all puffed up :lol:
he suffered no harm from his little trip out of the tank, i think i was more shocked than he was :)
Simonas what size tank is that? im considering this puffer for my 20 tall that doesn't have anything in it...
Ha ha Betty my boa she's still a baby 5.5ft and growing hopefully to about 8ft

I wouldn't fancy a bite off these, they don't half make an odd noise with their beaks even wiothout the food. Thyere a great fish and quite funny to have in that position watching everything that goes on

Its only a small 24 inch tank. For now they seem to have done ok in it
That wallet looks like it has the odd moth in mine...all these pets are expensive....especially horses...of which we have two :( bloody things :(
ha ha I wish it stayed closed long enough to have a moth in it I'd be better off then :good:

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