Channa Pulchra - Where Have They All Gone?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
Reaction score
About 3 yrs ago I kept these and had to sell off as my wife needed space for her business etc

Now I;m after some again no one seems to have them despite the fact they breed very easily. Whys this?
Just typical huh!

I know Pascal has now bred Fire & Ice, so they will be easier to get in Europe soon.
Well worth looking into if you don't find the Pulchras mate.
They are stunning when they grow and color up!
isnt it just, are the fire and ice like an assam? I;m not a fan of the assam and Bleheris. Pulchras and Orientalis which again I cannot find were my faves , there was a glut of channa a couple of years ago its weird
Nah, they remind me of a mix between Stewartii and a Gachua variant.
The color on them when settled is nothing short of stunning!

I like stewarti had them in the past. I shall keep an eye out for those :good:
my LFS seems to get pulchra in quite often i've got a possible pair that i got from there a few weeks ago but they only have 1 pulchra left, they have rainbows in stock, probably to far from you anyway it's in durham.
there is a guy from the snakehead forum advertising 3 stewarti 1 male and 2 female on aquarist classified for £70 for the trio, again in the durham area but he will post :)
Hi Talisker
I've put an ad on the snakehead forum. I'm going to stick it out for pchra as there my fave channa that I've kept

Hurry up and breed yours I love getting them as babies and watching them grow did that with my pulchra and orientalis yrs ago
I was reading this thread yesterday and then went into my local maidenhead and they have a tank of id say about ten each being about 4 inches at £13 each.
Hi Talisker
I've put an ad on the snakehead forum. I'm going to stick it out for pchra as there my fave channa that I've kept

Hurry up and breed yours I love getting them as babies and watching them grow did that with my pulchra and orientalis yrs ago

ah yes i saw your ad on there, when i bought mine there was a tank with five pulcra in it and two where in perfect condition and the other three where battered, so i bought the two that were ok thinking that maybe they had already started to pair up.
they were fighting for the first couple of weeks one was more dominant the the other and this switched with other one being more dominant, but now they hang out together with no fighting and they even sleep together in a floating cork log, no sign of any breeding behaviour yet so not sure if i've got a pair or not.
good luck finding some they are a really nice channa :)
I was reading this thread yesterday and then went into my local maidenhead and they have a tank of id say about ten each being about 4 inches at £13 each.

cheers for that. I;d want 6 so bit steep at that price, I;m hoping to find someone whos bred them who wants to bang them out at about a fiver a fish :rolleyes:

Hi Talisker
I've put an ad on the snakehead forum. I'm going to stick it out for pchra as there my fave channa that I've kept

Hurry up and breed yours I love getting them as babies and watching them grow did that with my pulchra and orientalis yrs ago

ah yes i saw your ad on there, when i bought mine there was a tank with five pulcra in it and two where in perfect condition and the other three where battered, so i bought the two that were ok thinking that maybe they had already started to pair up.
they were fighting for the first couple of weeks one was more dominant the the other and this switched with other one being more dominant, but now they hang out together with no fighting and they even sleep together in a floating cork log, no sign of any breeding behaviour yet so not sure if i've got a pair or not.
good luck finding some they are a really nice channa :)

I'll lend you my Barry White cd to play and get them moving!!
happy days someones seen my ad and I have 6 Pulchra coming on Tuesday. If I breed them I will flood the market with cheap fish as the prices shops are asking are ridiculous for this easily bred fish lol
Yeah pulchra are nice mate. Il be ordering some soon hopefully to arrive next tuesday as ive got some sp. white fin coming tomorrow. Did u find yours on TSF?
yeah off Rob theyll be from same batch I suspect :)
fingers crossed it happens it'll take em a while to get that size as im getting them as babies

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