Tina's Twin Bommies

Ben he was a lovely bloke.

I kept watching his puple Tang, could not take my eyes off it, then there was the lipstick, powder blue, regal, scopas, green striped mandarin, spotted mandarin, 3 large clowns, and thats just off the top off my head.

I let him know I managed to snap the purple digi, he was very kind and said not only did I get my first SPS today, but also that I made my first SPS frag.

Andrew came out wanting the 6ft tank now and all those tangs too.

I must admit, I did rather fall in love with seeing all those large tangs together. It was droolsome (no I think I made that up, but Nev reckons it means elegant fishie, will go with that) could not take my eyes off it at all.
Reet today is you lucky day, I am going to treat you to some more piccies.

All were took on Shutter priority which is why the FTS looks darker than usual. Doing a little experimentation.

First up is

Montipora hirsuta - still glowing green in white light.


Seratiopora guttatus - left and my current favourite on the reet - Seratipora caliendrum


Montipora digitata - Pink


I could not get good enough shots of the purple or purple plating so you will have to wait for those.

Seratiopora hysterix - I like this one too, the shape is beautiful and plenty of growing tips.


My anemone - Seems to expand even more now mag level is over 1300.


Female clown investigating the nem


Complete fluke that shot, I happened to be photographing the nem when she came over, pressed the button and wow.



a little closer FTS


I think it is starting to look how I imagined it now, once the SPS have grown in, I do think it will look as I planned it to.

Before anyone says it, I know the back glass needs a clean, will be doing that soon, I promise.
oh they all look :drool: but I so want a nice sized hysterix.

My lfs run their tanks at they same sg as I do, so i don't acclimatise any more - why would you put things in a bucket,drip acclimatise when the sg is always the same anyway, I do always test the water first and bingo, it's been fine each time. Less time in the bag has got to be good :good:

Whenever Trod and I go out we now always ask what sg the shop is running out, most tell the truth :lol: we keep intending to take the refractometer with us :rofl: - it just makes it so simple if they are running their tanks close to ours.

Seffie x

My LFS uses 1.023, 1.024 mainly because it is a centralised system.

I have started to use the bags in a polybox to acclimatise and I do drip faster than I should.

LPS for some reason I will always drip, some of them can be funny beggers, I always float in the sump for 15 mins before placing into my polybox too.

Fish now get 3/4 hr, but I drip them faster.

Inverts still get the full on treatment I am afraid, but starfish, snails etc need it. The only one I did not bother with was the emerald crab, the lfs said they were indestructible and to just throw him in. He was fine.

I am I guess a creature of habit, I don't want to risk my lps so I do them for a good time, my nem got the full old treatment too, again, they are sensitive and need it.

Seffie I will let you know how quick this hysterix grows, judging by the mother colonies in the tank and the size they were when he got them, you would be surprised how quick they grow in the right conditions. (They were the same size as mine)

Nev sold over £100 (I think, from what he said) in frags just yesterday. He always has frags available too and the mother colonies are quite large.
Those frags look good to me :nod:

I still don't think that nems a BTA. Definitely NOT a Ritteri as I first thought either. I'm now leaning towards either a brown Malu or another species of Nem I haven't come across. IME with Malu's that turn up the right colour, they bleach first and wander later if there isn't enough light :sad: Just remind me of the lights you have? How often is it accepting food and what is it taking?

All the best
Has eaten prawn, is eating large once a week, will be feeding it fish later as its about a week now but has today given out a good poop. Has eaten mysis and brine in small amounts inbetween the larger once a week feed.

Thing is with a malu is that the foot should be in the sand, it is attached underneath the rock.

Lighting at the moment is 2x55w PC and 2x36w actinic PC. Has not bleached at all in fact looks more pinky than brown now and has not moved a muscle.

Thanks about the frags too, I am watching them like a hawk though, keep expecting them to grow in front of my eyes.
I have found that malu's actually prefer rock work. At work, thats where they usually choose to set-up, and mine was always a rock huger :nod: While Malu's should be kept under really good light, the brown and darker coloured ones will often do OK under "average" light if well fed... If it's taking weekly feeds, it's either been under-fed pre-purchase, or it is a higher-light anemone that's making up the lack of food from photosynthesis by eating. In the three (ish) weeks I've had my BTA, it's accepted food once (a few days after arrival), and refused about 4 feeds... Nem's will only eat if actually hungry :nod:
It has actually only taken the mysis / brine mix, I tried the fish, just a small piece, and it did not even take it to its mouth. The brine/ mysis however was taken straight to the mouth.

Either very picky or not ready for the larger food. As you say, they will only take food when hungry but it actually grabbed the pipette I was feeding the brine / mysis with, after refusing the fish.

Don't know if this helps but come 6pm, most nights the nem does shrink in size slightly and retract a little under the rock, almost as if its had enough of the light for the day. Next morning, its back to former glory and expanded beatifully. Regular as clockwork it seems.
Well, I have had a bit of a morning already.

My 2x 55w white PC lights did not come on as they should. Thought the timer may be up the spout but no, they were not working. It is worth noting that these are not the Interpet ones, I have a ballast that I wired myself.

Suddenly just not working.

Therefore I have had to connect up my 2x 36w Interpet PC controller which meant my light was down by 38w. Good job I got a single 55w controller last week so I now have that running with another bulb.

Going to have to do a little sorting out, I now have spagetti junction in my living room. :crazy:

At least the corals have light now.

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