At the moment I am putting some New Era Pellets in there, and some defrosted Brineshrimp. The Brineshimp I am using is the Gamma stuff that is enriched with either omega 3, spirulina, aloe vera or garlic. ATM they are not taking much, but they are going to the diner every night now.
I was going to the Midlands today, but the lady that was taking us cannot go as her mom has a chest infection (she was coming too) with my mum just finished chemo, not a good combo.
So my other half is down there, I am sending him to Hollybush on his way back to the motorway. Hollybush have a huge brineshrimp culture. Will get him to get some bags of that for me and add some of that to the diner too. May induce them to eat more if there is some live in there.
I have realised though, as soon as the camera is turned off, or , my batteries have run out, Caesar does more strutting and a hell of a lot of posing right at the front of the tank. I read this was always a problem to divers who go on "The Mandarin Hunt" sunset dive. Typical