Tina's Twin Bommies

I use the reefstock website & I agree never had problems with them so far (only order twice), get my next shipment from them on Thursday. Never ordered fish or corals from them though.
^^No problems with them at all.

I have moved my large pearl bubble slightly today also, the bottom 2 parts of my frogspawn (which was reet above it) had stopped expanding quite so much. I believe there was a little coral warfare going on there.

I will leave it a few days where it is now and see if it needs moving away any more.
hey up - Kj, you forgotten that you can't link to another forum :blink:

Seffie x


I thought RC was an exception. Great Lakes had stated that at one point. I think it was the marine resource center?

Here it is:

A note on websites. I am going to break a cardinal rule and promote a forum another in addition to ours. reefcentral.com

We are still a small family here in the marine section. So it is only fair to acknowledge the Gods. They also have the most comprehensive articles along with true experts in the chemistry and coral forums. The downside is that so many people are there at once, it is hell to get heard.

We are small, but every effort will be made to answer questions about the marine world. Here, you are not a number, but a friend.

Thanks KJ

I am going to the LFS tomorrow, to collect my reserved fish. Bet you can probably remember what that was, if you can't you will see tomorrow.

This will be first visit for over a week so will have a good nosey at what is there and find out if she can get the size tank I am looking for. May be an idea to go with her if possible, better chance of getting a good deal as she knows I will then need to fill the tank again. May try to get a deal on a decent amount of live rock from there too.

Wednesday going to one of the other LFS, I need a bucket of salt and the prices are much cheaper there. Will also visit Maidenhead as last time I moved my freshwater they leant me some polyboxes and gave me some bags. This will be needed to move the 55g to mums. Going to see if they have any empty salt buckets aswell to move some of the water. I will only supervise the removal, and direct people as I will not be able to do much. It is likely going to be 2 -3 weeks as Andrew needs help lifting the tank, we need to wait for a man to come stay with us.(not any man, friend or family from Midlands).

Once the tank is moved, it is then just a matter of decorating, not so easy when the ceiling is vaulted and scaffolding is required to paint the ceiling. In addition a few of the floor boards need lifting to fit an extractor fan. Then the floor can go down.

Then we can build the stand.

would you not like to have a sea urchin in your tank i think there great for algea

regards scott
I have been admiring a few lately Scott. I am not sure in this tank though, think I will wait till I get the bigger tank, I quite like the look of the black one that is the Natural home of the Bangaii Cardinal. I am giving it some consideration. I would not want one that eat loads of coralline and not a lot else though.

Since I know now I am upgrading, I have also been considering a star fish, I know these ultimately need a large tank with enough live rock. If I could get a smaller one that would grow in my tank, I may add that before upgrading. Since finding how much I like my Sea Hare, I have been giving Mobile Inverts much more consideration.

I went with my banded serpent star partly because I did actually want a starfish but also because, if anything dies in the tank, it would be consumed pretty quickly by the serpent star, he mops up any left over food very quickly, and can be seen now at feeding time. This is why I am trying the Mandarin Diner, an attempt to outwit the serpent star.
Time for the new fishy.

I am really pleased with this fish, absolutely stunning colouration and appears to be settling very well.

If you remember after finding my Mandarin, I rang and reserved the Royal Gramma.

Here acclimatising



And then after being let loose


Finally, a fish that likes to inhabit the left hand Bommie (apart from flasher that sleeps behind. There are quite a few caves and overhangs in that section, probably why he prefers it.

He is called Khufu.

Next, whilst there, I made another purchase.


I went for the Fromia elegans, they are easier than most, and more hardy. The lady explained what to look for in Star fish and said if buying one, always choose one that has been in the shop a long time. This gives it a much better chance of thriving. I did fancy the Blue Linkia but feel I should wait till I have the large tank, I have read they do better in larger tanks.

I have called the star Mycerinus.

Here is a Macro


I am still waiting for the Magnet mount for the Seio, it will look much smaller then, I took some Bommie shots and FTS and various angles for you to see minus the old powerheads.


Left Hand Bommie



Right Hand Bommie



In between


Through the Left


Through the Right - Have put some Backing over the Overflow section on the side.


From the Left


From the Right


Angled FTS


Full Frontal FTS


Hope you enjoy the piccies, will do individuals another time.
Thanks everyone. I have all those upgrade thoughts running through my head again. I saw some captive bred Kudas seahorses at my lfs today, oh was I drooling. :drool:

This particular star should not crawl over and irritate corals KJ. Totally reef safe, peaceful and will not bother about other types of starfish or ones of the same type. I thought it best to try this one before the blue linkia, make sure I can keep the easier one in my tank first. If that goes OK, then I will get a blue linkia for the huge tank.

Andrew has been looking at fishes tonight to make sure this tank will take fishes he really likes. Guess what looks like I will be going for a large reef safe angel at some point. He likes the juvenile patterns better and sulked a little when I showed him Live Aquaria, they have both colour forms on there.

I have done a couple of drawings by hand, might start a new thread and show you some of my plans. Probably need a day or two's work on them yet, and they may change, but the planning with this tank is going to be fun. I am leaving the structural reinforcements to Andrew, you will get photos as its done but please don't ask any technical questions concerning that part of the build. If it involves colour choices etc, you may ask away.
#### ####! it looks amazing! not the tank.. the leather :D

joking :lol: tank looks amazing; just fantastic!

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