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    So What Do You Do With Your Big Fish When They Die?

    Bury them in a plant pot to fertilise the flower/plant.
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    Firemouth Compatability

    Thanks for the advice everyone, i shall have to think about it a bit more.
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    Firemouth Compatability

    So my beautiful GBR passed away after having her for a couple of years, and i am left wanting another cichlid. I have a 29g(uk gallon) tank, 130ish liters. It has been running for well over a year with no issues, regular water changes, testing etc.   I currently have a shoal of rummynose tetras...
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    Stocking My 180 Litre Tank.

    What are the dimensions of the tank?
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    Planted Tank Vs Bog Wood Tank

    i have just converted my tank from a fairly heavily planted tank to a "bogwood tank" with mopani and various other wood pieces. i love it, i love the dark water the tannins look great, really moody. i have a big clump of vallis in the centre surrounded by wood looking like tree stumps, indian...
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    Non Fish Resident

    How big is the tank you currently have?
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    Stocking My Tall 150 Litre Tank

    22" is 55.88cm   Also, of course you are able to fit cardinals in a 2ft tank. Doesnt mean you should though. In the wild they have as much space as they need. They like to swim in open water and i personally dont think 2ft is wide enough to give them the space they desire. They wouldnt have even...
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    Stocking My Tall 150 Litre Tank

    I do think that 24 Cardinals in a 55cm wide tank isnt a great idea to be honest, they are quite active fish that do require swimming space.
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    How Muc Do Your Fish Love You?

    My female GBR has recently started to eat out of my hand, thats pretty cute.
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    Stocking Suggestions 125Ltr

    I have a pair of GBR in a 125l tank with some tetras and corys, i must advise against having multiple pairs in there, when my pair spawn, they can be pretty nasty towards the corys and chasing the inquisitive tetras. I can only imagine the chaos that would happen if there was another pair of...
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    German Gold Ram Huge Stomach

    I suspect if her belly is really red then she is displaying that she is ready to mate, do you have a male ram in the tank aswell?
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    Ram Eggs

      Albino rams? I cant say i have ever seen those before. I suspect you would notice at least one of the fish "guarding" the eggs if it was one of them.   What other fish do you have in the tank with them?
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    Guppy Sleeps Vertically

      If you mean the picture in my signature the plant of the right is Cabomba, and the left is Vallis. Its a slightly old picture now, the cabomba has taken over the whole side of the tank now, lovely fast growning, i take cuttings most weeks, and the vallis is all the way to the top and has...
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    Guppy Sleeps Vertically

    I have a cory that sleeps in all sorts of different positions compared to the others in the shoal. Sideways on cabomba, face pointed down in the sand, nearly upside down on java moss, i think its dead every evening when they settle down, only to find him alive and well the next morning waiting...
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    German Ram's

    I have a pair of rams in a 125l community tank which has cardinal tetra, lemon tetra, corys and a clown plec. It is pretty heavily planted, and my maintenance routine is pretty strict. I introduced the female last week (after having a female die a few months ago) and i noticed the two of them...
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    New To Cichlids

    What is the nitrate ppm out of your tap water?   I dont know about stocking levels for african cichlids (although overstock to compensate for agression) but from the video, that seems like an awful lot of fish in 180l of water (less if you count displacement) the 200l in your signature sounds...
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    Weirdest Thing You've Seen In Your Tank?

    My girlfriend shouted to me from the living room the other day "There is a tiny lizard or something sat on a rock in the fish tank!"   I had to explain to her that it was the empty skin of a cherry shrimp that had shed, it was pretty cute :P
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    Clown Loach & White Spot Ws3

    Feel free to ask as many questions as you like here, we have all been in similar situations etc and we are happy to help :)
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    Clown Loach & White Spot Ws3

    Unfortunately those bactieria aids are pretty hit and miss (mostly miss) it sounds like your tank isnt cycled at all then, lots of hard work to go!   Have a look here and have a gander at the cycling section, especially...
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    Clown Loach & White Spot Ws3

      What did you do to encourage the bacteria to grow and develop in the filter?
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    Clown Loach & White Spot Ws3

    Not sure on the medication front but 180ltr is far too small for clown loaches and the sailfin pleco. I believe its a little on the small size for the angels but i dont know a lot about them.   Clown loaches can grown upto 30cm in length and the sailfin pleco can grow to 50cm.   I would think...
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    Help Please.

    as techen says, the tank wasnt cycled and the type of fish you chose were completely inappropriate for a tank of that size. what do you have in your tank in terms of decor?
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    New Trigon 190

    what sort of sharks?
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    Someone Help

    lol its really not going to stay "calm" if those GT's start to spawn, everything in the tank is going to be dead, apart from maybe the big plec.   Please consider rehoming the fish that arent suitable, the bala shark will get massive, the puffer needs very specific conditions. The GT's are...
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    Is This Overstocked?

      Please dont put a Convict in that tank, they are aggressive, large cichlids that require much bigger tanks and suitable tank mates. I dont know a lot about Keyhole cichlids, they are cichlids of the dwarf variety and can still be grumpy. I dont think a 100 litre biorb is a suitable tank for them.
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    Anyone Got A Picture Of Argos Play Sand In There Tank

    pic in my sig is my tank with argos play sand
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    Apple Snails...

          That's called business.
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    Need Some Used Media Sponge To Put In My Tank

      Isnt someone else from that other well known forum sending you some? That should get you started!
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    Which External Filter To Buy? Help!

    I use an Aquamanta EFX300 on a ~125l tank and its great, havent had any issues with it, the flow is as strong as the day i switched it on. They come with 4 years warranty also, which is great.
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    What To Put In Tank With My 7" Jack Dempsey

    When you say "all that's left", are you implying all the other fish died? If so, do you know the cause of the deaths? No point adding fish if you have an issue with the tank in general.
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    German Blue Rams Pregnancy Question.

    That's the same as asking "how long is a piece of string" to be honest. How old are they, they may not have reached sexual maturity yet? What are your water parameters, they may never breed if the conditions are incorrect.
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    Eastleigh & District Aquarist Society

    A few more details would be appreciated, not many groups down this neck of the woods!
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    New Tropical 125L Planted Community Gentle!

    I have the same tank as you and it has been set up since the beginning of december, i would recommend getting some nice background plants such as some vallisneria spiralis. I started with a few plants and they have just been sending out runners and growning loads. I recently added some cabomba...
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    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    Filter is not enough I'm afraid. If you can't commit to a bigger tank then perhaps you should rethink your fish choice. Fish are a big commitment. You wouldn't keep a pet dog in a cupboard it's whole life.
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    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    You will need to heavily overfilter, is your current tank cycled? If so, how did you do it. What filter are you planning on using on the 35gallon. To be honest, a 35gallon tank will probably do for a couple of months but eventually you are going to need a massive tank 100gallon plus for a fish...
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    High Ph, Any Tips?

    What do you currently have in your tank in terms of decor? What is your substrate? What type of rocks do you have (if any)? Just wondering if you have anything that is pushing the ph up.
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    Numbers Of Fish For My Tank

    If it is a 94l tank, i would say you are pretty much stocked. If not a little over.
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    Goldy's 3Ft Tropical Tank.

    I like the wood! You also have rasboras and some kind of plec in there? How many gallons is the tank, is there any reason the water level isnt to the top?
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    Bolivian Ram Questions

    Thats the thing with cichlids, you never know! Bolivians are pretty calm compared to others but they can still be pretty grumpy if they choose to be. Chances are it will be fine. At my lfs, i selected a male and female german blue ram and they moved them to a seperate tank for me, i left them...
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    What Kind Of Fish Is This?

    I appreciate that you think its ok for a fish that can grow to a foot long to be kept in a small tank, but these fish can grow very big, very quickly. If it doesnt then it is most likely being stunted by its current habitat (small tank) this is causing suffering to the fish. Also, why is your...