Clown Loach & White Spot Ws3


New Member
Mar 4, 2013
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Hello, i'm new to fishkeeping and have a 180ltr tank that has been cycled for two months. I have put in a sailfin pleco, 6 clown loaches, 4 angel fish, and 12 tetra's, over a month. Tank is on 30 degrees 86 F.

On Saturday morning I noticed white spots on my clown loach fins, so i went to my local Fish store (where i bought my fish from) and he advised on WS3.

I read the instructions 1ml per 90ltrs every 48hrs, (therefore 2ml per 180ltrs for me), however with clown loach being sensitive I should use half dosage, should I be treating everyday (one website says its ok) or infact every 48 hrs?

Any advise please
Not sure on the medication front but 180ltr is far too small for clown loaches and the sailfin pleco. I believe its a little on the small size for the angels but i dont know a lot about them.
Clown loaches can grown upto 30cm in length and the sailfin pleco can grow to 50cm.
I would think about rehoming them.
How was the tank cycled and what filtration are you running on the tank?
The tank was cycled with no fish in for aprox 8 weeks. Its a fluval filter with, that came with the tank
Philbob23 said:
The tank was cycled with no fish in for aprox 8 weeks. Its a fluval filter with, that came with the tank
What did you do to encourage the bacteria to grow and develop in the filter?
I used a bacteria aid, forget what brand now, but followed the instructions. Should I have waited longer? Have you any advice what I should do now?
Unfortunately those bactieria aids are pretty hit and miss (mostly miss) it sounds like your tank isnt cycled at all then, lots of hard work to go!
Have a look here and have a gander at the cycling section, especially the "fish in" cycle which you are now going through.
Ultimately though, your fish arent suitable for a tank of your size and you will really need to rehome or get a bigger tank. Sorry :(
Feel free to ask as many questions as you like here, we have all been in similar situations etc and we are happy to help :)

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