Guppy Sleeps Vertically


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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How normal is it that one of my guppies sleeps and occasionally rests in a vertical position? I took a picture soon after I shut off the light... only I am awake in the middle of the night and the camera is in the bedroom so I can't upload the picture yet.

Sometimes she just sleeps vertically, sometimes she seems to sleep under a anubias leaf nearly vertically as though it keeps her from floating away. She has no issues with her swimming. It is really odd.
It is odd. I used to have a guppy that just rested on an anubia leaf. It seemed fine otherwise. 
What are your water stats? What size tank and what other fish?
My tank is about 22 gallon. I haven't tested my stats in over a week, this sleeping predates that. At last reading, if I remember correctly, my ammonia and nitrite were 0 for sure and I believe my nitrate was about 30, pH was 6.8 (that changed a couple months ago... before that had been 7.4 as long as I can remember... the change in sleeping posture did change sometime after that though).

Other fish are 6 female guppies (including vertical sleeper), 2 female platies and 13 neon tetra (and some cherry shrimp and assassin snails).
I'd think that unless she starts showing signs of stress I wouldn't worry too much.
Here is the photo I took last night. The other two guppies in the picture had woken up and were watching me, but the vertical guppy was fast asleep and never noticed the flash. At the top right is my guppy with the deformed face, still thriving and doing well.

She's beautiful! And that is quite an interesting position ...
My daughter named her Firefly. This fish has a lovely personality as well. She tends to sleep in that spot but also sleeps wedged in a funny position under my bogwood's java fern.
I have a cory that sleeps in all sorts of different positions compared to the others in the shoal. Sideways on cabomba, face pointed down in the sand, nearly upside down on java moss, i think its dead every evening when they settle down, only to find him alive and well the next morning waiting for their morning feed.
Is that hornwort in your picture? I have been missing that... was the first plant I ever bought... I might order more!
PrairieSunflower said:
Is that hornwort in your picture? I have been missing that... was the first plant I ever bought... I might order more!
If you mean the picture in my signature the plant of the right is Cabomba, and the left is Vallis. Its a slightly old picture now, the cabomba has taken over the whole side of the tank now, lovely fast growning, i take cuttings most weeks, and the vallis is all the way to the top and has started to wrap around the front of the tank, lol I dose liquid carbon daily.
(if you arent referring to my picture ignore :p )
I am referring to your picture. I will look up the cabomba.. I like the looks of it. I've not had any luck with liquid carbon... though might have given up prematurely.

My plants are really happy in one tank, two of my anubias nanas have even sprouted flowers! But the plants in the next tank are risking me tearing them out and tossing them.

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