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    Don't need to describe it, there's pictures. But his eyes are fine, it was just the angle of the camera.
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    Forget it, he died.
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    I've noticed my betta, Julian has been acting really odd. He's either been sitting at the bottom of the tank with his nose in the air, or he's at the top of the water with his mouth poking out the top. Examples: Julian sitting on his bum Another sitting at the bottom I've taken some...
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    My Newest Boy..

    Tequila it shall be :nod:
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    My Newest Boy..

    Thanks B-)
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    My Newest Boy..

    After the bubbles subsided, I got my camera out an took a few more, enjoy :) - "Food!" And the mirrored effect
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    My New Boy!

    Wow gorgeous find! .. don't ask, but "Bowie" came to mind :lol:
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    Some People Are Right Prats!

    :huh: Fish.. HIV .. :unsure: r-i-i-i-ght
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    My Newest Boy..

    Yeah he already had a "full set" of finnage when I got him. :wub:
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    My Newest Boy..

    lol, ok, i'll have to keep that on the back burner for now, I could call him Sunset or Sunny for short, :lol:
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    My Newest Boy..

    Yeah that's what I was thinking as well, but i'm at a loss for names (obvioulsy), I also had a bit of trouble naming the 2nd to last betta, Bellamy. However, I discovered his name while listening to "Mr.Bellamy" By Paul McCartney. And no other Beatle/McCartney solo songs will work with this...
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    My Newest Boy..

    However, i'm not so sure about the name yet.. suggestions?
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    My New Baby!

    I thought so to! :hyper: And Sue, i'll try and get around more ;)
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    Is It Not Bad To House Bettas In Your Bedroom

    considering I only have 3 betta's.. at the moment I don't have any in my room. I have two in my office (aka computer room) and one in the living room. I plan on getting a few more betta's as I feel abit more comfortable in having them here. Where as.. in the beginning I started with one, and...
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    My Growing Puffs (dwarf Puffer Babies)

    omg their adorable!! :hyper: :good:
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    My New Baby!

    :unsure: mm Yea thanks to those who compliemented my fish. But I didn't start a thread so you guys could start in on the dude who decided to open his mouth about the picture thing. Even though I thought it was a complete waste of time. :rolleyes: The fact being, you really shouldn't come...
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    How Long Do Betta's Live For?

    Of all the betta's that I have owned, most of them lived to be 3. One of them nearly made it to 4, but died a week shy of his birthday :(
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    My New Baby!

    Twas luv at first sight! :wub:
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    A Question

    Their ok :)
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    Betta Pics

    I've had many great betta's over the past 3 years or so. And I think i'm going to post all the my babies. Both gone and present. :) I'll first start with George, he was my very first betta and lived 3 years. Wasnt he dreamy?! :hyper: After he had gone, I found Simon. Unfortantly he...
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    A Question

    ok thanks guys! I'm currently on vacation and left my babies in the care of my neighbor, i'm sure they are doing fine. But we will surely see when I get home to see them. I had the same person look after them the last time I went on vacation and they did fine. I was just asking because i'm...
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    The Horror Betta's Life!

    Oh my gosh, how horrid! Thats disgusting!! However, i'm glad something is being done about it.
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    A Question

    I'm just curious about how long a betta can go without food.. ? :unsure:
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    Leave my bubbles alone mom!! He's never flared for me before, well alittle flare, but nothing like this!! :drool:
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    Yasha's New Home

    Thanks everybody for your compliments :) Amunet, I do appreciate your suggestions, however the tank as we speak is a work in progress. When I went into Petsmart, I had only about 16 dollars on me and got what I could. The Necessitys. Of course, I could have gotten a silk/cloth plant then and...
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    Yasha's New Home

    Here are the pictures of Yasha's new home And him thriving in his new home Its like.. find waldo.. only you get to find Yasha, hehe I decided instead of a 10 gallon to put him into a 2 and a half gallon :)
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    Updated Baby Bird Pics

    Omgg their so adorable!! i wanna nominate that last birdy picture POTM.. is it to late for that??
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    Pygmy Chameleons

    OMG their so friggin cute!!
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    New Baby

    I'm not usually fond of snakes, i'm actually afraid of them, but this one is easy to look at! He's soo tiny and CUTE!
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    My New Betta

    I'm so done with guppys ... Betta's are the way to go! AND YES THEY ARE ADDICTING!! .. i'm a mama of three, hehe
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    My New Baby!

    Yessss so do I! .. Mike Rowe is hilarious! And he's got balls to do all those dirty jobs! I felt kinda bad for him when he had to go to the church roof and check on the bells up there and 6pm rolled along, and the bell sounded 14 times while he was in it, haha po thing :D i'm still uncertin...
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    My New Project -- Blog/journal/diary

    -_- No new ideas?? I really need some ideas other than my tank being heavily planted! So I bought lime away to take the calcium build up.. and bleach to clean my sunken ship. This week shall be cleaning week :X
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    My New Baby!

    I just dont want him to get torn up.. or to loose his pretty finnage, ya know? Call me protective, but I worry about him, lol and when he gets skiddish and bumps into the rocks, I think he's gonna knock himself unconscious. :blink: so i'm always constantly watching him. I dont have anything...
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    My New Project -- Blog/journal/diary

    Hmm, well this will be my first time actually setting up a proper home for my babys, as before it was just a bit of rock, a sunken ship and plastic plants :crazy: before.. this time, I plan on doing whatever is necessary for a long and happy life for my new beauty. So I get 20 dollars a week...
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    My New Project -- Blog/journal/diary

    Hey there. So I have a project that i'm going to be working on within.. well however long it'll take. I have this 10 gallon tank stored in my closet that I just took out and washed and whatever. only thing is.. I need decorations, a new pump and new filters. This home will be for my...
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    My New Baby!

    As some of you may know, i've been drooling over crowntails after seeing some gorgous ones. And I decided, to get one with the christmas money I had recieved. So ladys and gentlemen.. meet Inuyasha Grrr Evil Sharpie! When I first got him. He's just a little guy, he's still young...
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    oh my goodness they are so cute they make me wanna cry! :wub:
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    My Dog Pepper

    Cute :good:
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    Free Gecko!

    Aw their cute!! :wub:
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