Updated Baby Bird Pics


"No one is a failure unless you try"
Mar 18, 2004
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This is the largest, his eyes just opened yesterday :wub:


This one is always up and about, he's going to be a regular hellion
:lol: Still ugly. Still cute. :wub: The first one's a regular tubba wubba, isn't he. Practically bigger than the parents! So which one's going to receive Synirr's behavior modification training, tubba wubba or hellion?

:lol: keep the pictures coming.

llj :)
More :)

I am worried about the hellion. His skin tone is different, I am wondering if he's dehydrated? He managed to escape the nest box twice today, but I found him very quickly and I don't think he's any worse for wear.


"I can fly!"

yeah, they don't look quite so "egg that really shouldn't have been cracked into my ramen" now :lol: wish i could have one once they grow up... :-( :wub:
They look really cute. I bet they will be even cuter as they grow up more!

I have a question though, how do the parents feel about you handling the babies? I know that some animals get very upset if they see other things touching their babies. Just curious!
The female doesn't mind at all, she even lets me pet her while she is sitting in the nestbox and is very calm about the whole thing. She's a total sweetheart and a great mommy. The male has always been hyper-territorial and angry, so he fusses at me about it, but I'm not sure if it's because I'm holding the babies or because I'm near the cage :lol:. He has been particularly cranky thanks to the breeding hormones.
Your baby birds are adorable. Thank you very much for sharing the pictures with us. I have had several cockatiels during my growing up years. I remember having this mating pair of cockatiels. The male was as mean as can be and he would not let me touch him. The female, on the other hand, was very sweet to me. I would pucker my lips to give her a kiss and she would give me a kiss back. I had a friend who worked in a pet store with birds and she said that it was rare for one of the breeding pair to get along. She said that normally both of them are mean and nasty.
Omgg their so adorable!!

i wanna nominate that last birdy picture POTM.. is it to late for that??

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