Is It Not Bad To House Bettas In Your Bedroom

Betta_one, Im sure that bettas take up oxygen, but not enough to put you at risk :D I wouldn't worry about, plus! They make your room look so livey!
I have 5 female bettas and 1 male in my bedroom. The male is actually on my bedside table. I also have 2 dogs and 2 cats sleeping in there aswell. I'm fine, well atleast I think I am. x
I have 3 hamsters, 2 gerbils, 2 rats, 1 betta fish and 1 mouse living in my room. I have plenty of oxygen. I used to have three other hamsters, many other bettas and I would let my dog and my cats in my room. Right now the two hamster that are in my sisters room are in my room so thats five hamster in my room :p
All of my fish and tanks are in my room! I have a 10 gall, a 5.5 gall, a 1 gall., and 2- .5 galls. And I think I am okay!! I am actually getting a shelf to add to my room to put all my tanks on! Just for the Fooshies :D ^_^
Why would it be a problem? There aren't any alergens or 'bad stuff'. Heck I have over 100 gallons in my bedroom and I haven't died yet.
the only thing i can possibly imagine you are talking about is that they "take oxygen from the air"; ie: breathe atmospheric air. It's the same thing you breathe. Even if they "took away oxygen", I'm not sure how that would make them bad for keeping in bedrooms specifically, as opposed to any other room....

anyway, no, a betta won't make any difference in the amount of oxygen in your room, aside from the air that the tank displaces, which is hardly worth mentioning.
Years ago I suffered insomnia. I read a book on sleep improvement, because obviously it affected all aspects of mylife.
Basicly, in a nutshell, it said no plants, computer, no entertainment centre (TV stereo). And no pets.
At that time we had all all those things.
Personally, I think it was a load of twaddle. Some can't sleep with the noise of rain against the window. It helps me sleep. And I love the sound of the water in a tank too.
Years ago I suffered insomnia. I read a book on sleep improvement, because obviously it affected all aspects of mylife.
Basicly, in a nutshell, it said no plants, computer, no entertainment centre (TV stereo). And no pets.
At that time we had all all those things.
Personally, I think it was a load of twaddle. Some can't sleep with the noise of rain against the window. It helps me sleep. And I love the sound of the water in a tank too.

I have 13 male betta in my room as well as god knows how many fry then i have my 400ltr tank and my dog (Hmmm its a wonder i have room for me) I also have my window vents shut to stop the cold air and the door shut but i still wake every morning. I love having it that way because my room is so warm and i love the sound of the tanks at night. I'm not sure given the above how they can be bad
watching my fish whilst im in bed is one of my fav things to do :blush: :rolleyes:
considering I only have 3 betta's.. at the moment I don't have any in my room.
I have two in my office (aka computer room) and one in the living room.

I plan on getting a few more betta's as I feel abit more comfortable in having them here.
Where as.. in the beginning I started with one, and then two.. and then three, then dhani passed.
And now i'm up to three again with Julian being the oldest.
Ok, wow that was totally off topic.. sorry for the rambling. :lol:

As far as your betta's or whatever type of fish in your bedroom (I used to have guppys and/or goldfish)
I would say go for it! .. It's just a room! Unless you keep your window open at night (like me) then I would say no.
Because then they would get kinda cold... and cold is bad! :no:
When I was living with my parents.. I had a dog, a hamster, a mouse in my bedroom. A few goldfish as well.
And I turned out ok! .. (plucks a whisker... j/k!)

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