My New Project -- Blog/journal/diary


Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2004
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Hey there.

So I have a project that i'm going to be working on within.. well however long it'll take.

I have this 10 gallon tank stored in my closet that I just took out and washed and whatever.
only thing is.. I need decorations, a new pump and new filters.

This home will be for my Crowntail Betta, Inuyasha.

Hey there.

So I have a project that i'm going to be working on within.. well however long it'll take.

I have this 10 gallon tank stored in my closet that I just took out and washed and whatever.
only thing is.. I need decorations, a new pump and new filters.

This home will be for my Crowntail Betta, Inuyasha.


Heavily Planted!!!! :good:
Hey there.

So I have a project that i'm going to be working on within.. well however long it'll take.

I have this 10 gallon tank stored in my closet that I just took out and washed and whatever.
only thing is.. I need decorations, a new pump and new filters.

This home will be for my Crowntail Betta, Inuyasha.


Heavily Planted!!!! :good:

I agree heavily planted, I just got another ten gallon and that is my plan! :good:
Hmm, well this will be my first time actually setting up a proper home for my babys, as before it was just a bit of rock, a sunken ship and plastic plants :crazy: before.. this time, I plan on doing whatever is necessary for a long and happy life for my new beauty.

So I get 20 dollars a week for spending, as I haven't a job and have money in the bank and have limited myself to only 20 dollars spending. My original plan was to save the 20's for three weeks and by the expansion to World of Warcraft, but that's going to be delayed for the time being as I need to pick up other hobbys for my well being. And so I decided to do my love again.. that being fish mommy, lol

Which brings me to this week, what shall I get?
Plants may be kind of hard for me to take care of, as I'm in Minnesota and our climate seems to vary (or this winter it does, lol)
So.. what kinds of plants should I look for, and keep in mind that i'm on a budget!!

This week, i'm deffinatly going to have to infest in either filters for my pump, or do you all think I should just replace the filter I have now, as its rather dusty and kinda croaded (sp?) with the dust thats built up from sitting for a long time.
I do know that Filters and the Filter pads can run rather pricey. The one I have now is a Top Fin and I think it ran me 30 bucks :unsure: So if the pump isn't all that pricey.. or if I so choose to buy another that is.. I will be comparing shopping regardless of brand. Also, i'm thinking.. of what to put for a base, Gravel, Rocks, Pebbles, Sand .. what is your prefrence and what do you think works best?? .. Sand seems rather messy for clean up (Specially if I have to purchase another aquarium vac!)
and it seems with the glass pebbles, or regular pebbles it may be easier to clean? I also think I may want to purchase some other foods as well.. i've been thinking about blood worms .. but after watchign an episode of Dirty Jobs, I may pass, SUGGESTIONS WELCOME!!!!

So as you all can see.. i'm in dire need of help!
-_- No new ideas?? I really need some ideas other than my tank being heavily planted!

So I bought lime away to take the calcium build up.. and bleach to clean my sunken ship.

This week shall be cleaning week :X

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