My New Baby!


Fish Crazy
Jul 30, 2004
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As some of you may know, i've been drooling over crowntails after seeing some gorgous ones.
And I decided, to get one with the christmas money I had recieved.

So ladys and gentlemen.. meet Inuyasha




Grrr Evil Sharpie!



When I first got him.

He's just a little guy, he's still young I think.
So .. for now he's in one of my bowls that I have, with round rocks as i'm scared reg rocks will tear his beautiful fins.
I'm taking alot of extra precautions (as I do with all my new betta's, and my old ones too) as its my first Crowntail.

So advice on car, what to feed, etc is greatly appreciated.
And if your going to flam me, you better just not post anything at all.

Oh yeah he's still quite skiddish, so I dont know if thats just because he's new or .. his nature?
care and feeding should be the same as the other bettas you have. He might just be settling in if hes a bit skittish, maybe test the water to make sure there ammonia isnt up.
He is beautiful. See you are hooked on the glass pebbles like me. (I am so sad I try to match the colours to the fish) Sure he will settle soon. :hyper: :hyper:
He is beautiful. See you are hooked on the glass pebbles like me. (I am so sad I try to match the colours to the fish) Sure he will settle soon. :hyper: :hyper:

I just dont want him to get torn up.. or to loose his pretty finnage, ya know?

Call me protective, but I worry about him, lol and when he gets skiddish and bumps into the rocks, I think he's gonna knock himself unconscious. :blink: so i'm always constantly watching him.

I dont have anything to test his waters yet, so i'll hopefully get to the store tomorrow to pick up a test
I love that show! And I love your fish! The name Inuyasha realy fits him!
Awwww! Sweet boy! He looks a little anxious. His face is very expressive. Is he an lps purchase? No telling what he's been through. He will get over it with your care.

Glad your Christmas was :good:
Very handsome fish ! Kinda jealous here, can't get CTs very easily at all. Seriously considering harrassing some of the UK breeders for one sometime in the near future :D
I love that show! And I love your fish! The name Inuyasha realy fits him!

Yessss so do I! .. Mike Rowe is hilarious! And he's got balls to do all those dirty jobs!
I felt kinda bad for him when he had to go to the church roof and check on the bells up there
and 6pm rolled along, and the bell sounded 14 times while he was in it, haha po thing

:D i'm still uncertin about his name, so I may just call him Yasha for short, hehe

Awwww! Sweet boy! He looks a little anxious. His face is very expressive. Is he an lps purchase? No telling what he's been through. He will get over it with your care.

Glad your Christmas was :good:

SUE!!!! <hugs> I missed ya chica!

Yes I got him at petsmart, there were only three of these to choose from.
So I chose him, I know its wise to pick oen with long fins and what not,
but he was screaming "TAKE ME HOME!!" on the way back home,
his little body was hovering against the side of the cup where my hand was, hehe

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