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  1. G

    How To Take Bogwood Tannins Out Of The Water

    Did you see the link i posted :fun: It will clear up the tannins
  2. G

    How To Take Bogwood Tannins Out Of The Water

    I put 3 large bits of bog wood in my tank after soaking for 1 hour :lol: Use this to clear it up. SeaChem Purigen
  3. G

    Quick 'background' Questions

    I have used blue gloss on many tanks and think its far better than stick on backgrounds. If your very careful not to paint any of the surround the paint could be removed with a glass scraper in the future if you changed your mind.
  4. G

    September Fish Of The Month Voting

    Voted Miles Hot's, nice looking fish and great focus in the pic Scotty’s was getting the vote until i scrolled down some more :good:
  5. G

    Air Pump Needed?

    Thanks, i will move the spray bar a few mm under the water level and point it across the water
  6. G

    Air Pump Needed?

    I read on another forum that you don't need to use an air pump/stone when you have a planted tank. Is this true? i took my air stone out ages ago and there is just the spray bar just above water level to aerate, but i don't like the tiny bubbles you can see in the water. I would prefer removing...
  7. G

    'ammonia Alert' By Seachem

    Looks worth buying, im going to order one now
  8. G

    Dwarf Neon Rainbow (Praecox) Free

    Fish arived this morning all alive and now in my main tank :) The size of the box they were in was like having a fish tank delivered :hey:
  9. G

    Dwarf Neon Rainbow (Praecox) Free

    Im a little addicted to ebay so get lots of items sent. 1st class usually gets to my door the next day (the same day once), i think 1st class next day etc are transported at the same time.
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    Dwarf Neon Rainbow (Praecox) Free

    Invoice paid, yes just starve them from now before you send them Thanks
  11. G

    Dwarf Neon Rainbow (Praecox) Free

    Yes thats ok :)
  12. G

    Dwarf Neon Rainbow (Praecox) Free

    1st class would be ok, there isnt really much diferance between the two when posting here apart from cost. you can send a paypal or alertpay money request to gavo at (and PM me your paypal ID so i know its you) for the costs, then i will pay and you will have my postal address. Or if...
  13. G

    Equipment Off For Water Change?

    I turn the heaters off when i do water changes because part of them would be out of the water and prone to cracking. I plan on wiring in a few power switches, one of them to make the tank safe for water changes, but im lazy :hyper: Most people are very careful with electricity but don't...
  14. G

    Dwarf Neon Rainbow (Praecox) Free

    I will have them and pay postage. im in jersey channel islands but stuff from ebay gets here the next day from UK.
  15. G

    Marbles, Dont You Just Love Um!

    I have no idea what happened to my rummynose :( one got picked off each day for 8 days Thats the only fish i have that i dont know much about and i have seen it leech/suck onto a few fish before, so thats my main suspect :good:
  16. G

    Marbles, Dont You Just Love Um!

    whats the name of the fish in your pic? I have one the same thats growing very fast and i suspect it ate some of my rummy nose tetra
  17. G

    I Am So Going To Get Killed For This!

    If he knew anything about the fish or listened to anyone's advise he would have accepted the offer made on the listing instead of rejecting it and re listing. I think he must be on the beer tonight :good:
  18. G

    I Am So Going To Get Killed For This!

    Sorry to bump an old thread I sent a message to the seller on ebay when the listing was live. I just got a message back weeks later :blink: He really doesnt seem happy
  19. G

    Off To Pick Up My New Tank Tonight! :d

    Nice tank how many do you have? I carried my 400l and stand from my car on my own :crazy: , last time i got someone to help me the tank got dropped
  20. G

    How Much Stock To Add

    I live on a little island so its full of beaches, i picked one thats full of pebbles and picked flat smooth ones so there easy to stack. Here is a pic of it so far, but i will most likely change it around
  21. G

    How Much Stock To Add

    I noticed it was the wrong section after posting :good: There not all yellow the guy said he had a mix, i dont want all the same. I collected the pebbles from the beach and they were very clean and didnt need scrubbing, i washed them and baked in the oven for 20 minutes 180f :shout: then...
  22. G

    How Much Stock To Add

    I just finished my main community tank so started on my other tank today :) The tank is Juwel Rio 300 and fully cycled, I have been to the beach and got about 50 lovely flat pebbles and made some hiding holes and caves. So far there is only a small covering of pea gravel but i plan to add...
  23. G

    Other Hobbies Or Interests

    looking after my kids on my own keeps me busy. Apart from that I like php/mysql coding, making websites, messing around in the garden and sometimes going on the #101##. And i'm an electrician mainly inspection and testing, i suppose i like doing that
  24. G

    Planting Advice

    That was free from a shop so i dont know, its only about 4" tall and poked into the wood. All i know it was the only one that didnt look dead in the shop and its ready for the bin now
  25. G

    Juwel Internals Just How Bad?

    The filter is split into two sections and both go right to the bottom its easy to completely clean if you really wanted to.
  26. G

    Juwel Internals Just How Bad?

    I think there good filters but I have always used an extra external filter due to the turnover not being very good, I even upgraded the powerhead in my RIO300 and it didnt make much diferance.
  27. G

    Filter Floss?

    I change my juwel filter floss pad about every 2 weeks but I spose it can be longer, just check when it looks full of dirt. I dont use any floss at all in the external filter so i only need to touch that when the flow rate drops.
  28. G

    Planting Advice

    Does this look ok for just adding trace elements? I will be buying some more plants tomorrow and dont want them all to end up dead :X
  29. G

    Diy Led Rig

    The guy is using a cheap driver thats pushed near the limit with the leds and mentioned a scalextric transformer, depending on the efficiency of the driver (and reading the wrong calculations in the thread) this may be overloaded and the voltage will drop. It looks like he is using at most...
  30. G

    London Riots

    This is about as exciting it gets where i live
  31. G

    Remove 3D Background

    If its anything like mine it will have a lot of silicone, mine were like swimming floats :X I trimmed mine down with a sharp bread knife when it was fitted, try using that to cut out sections if it wont budge
  32. G

    Your Dream Tank...

    I used to have my dream tank, a tropical marine reef tank packed full of life, the guys in the fish shop used to love me :shout: I spent about £6000 on it :) Unfortunately i decided to split with my girlfriend and had to sell it fast and only got £1k for it, this put me off for about 5...
  33. G

    May Have To Get Rid Of My Tank :'(

    as Tizer said is probably due to expansion especially by a staircase. If you that worried, say you have a 4ft tank get a 6ft bit of very thick plywood cut and slide it under the tank to spred the load, you can paint it 1st :lol: but its a lot better then getting rid of your tank
  34. G

    May Have To Get Rid Of My Tank :'(

    I would lift one of the floor boards up and look to see if any of the joists have dropped or split. If the ceiling below is plaster board it would be very clear if the floor had dropped even 10mm If you cant see any damage maybe fitting a large bit of thick ply below the stand would spread...
  35. G

    London Riots

    There are stats here
  36. G

    Diy Led Rig

    With DC voltage systems, volt drops very fast so with parallel you may notice the last lamp dimmer than the 1st I would stick to series so all the lamps are the same brightness.
  37. G

    What Water

    My tap water is 25ppm nitrate, im glad i read this i thought it was just my area :lol:
  38. G

    Planting Advice

    I have 1. Added 3 large bits of driftwood. 2. Added new T5 daylight lamps and reflectors. 3. Added various plants and 2 large moss balls. 4. Removed the P4 internal filter that was used to cycle the tank. I dose with 2 cap fulls of Flourish Excel each day. I'm doing about 20% water change...
  39. G

    Forum Slow?

    I done some tests and the connectivity to the server seems excellent eg. If your having problems try setting your connection to use google dns and see if that sorts it
  40. G

    How To Move Fish An Tank

    I would put the fish in large food safe container/s with a lid (loose fitting is ok) then use a battery airpump with airstone. Then when the tank is fully empty and loaded up put the container/s into the bottom of the tank so any water spilt while in transit wont matter