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    Tank On Uneven Surface

    i'm thinking of buying a juwel 800 110 litre tank and the only space i have left is on top of my desktop ,the worktop is an ikea solid beech but it's not very even so i'm a bit worried about putting a tank straight on top, i was wondering if i was to place a mat of high denisty foam on the...
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    Little Monsters...

    i've just got 6 jags and hoping to get a pair also, mine are to small to sex maybe 2" at the moment.   i've got 2 that have much less colour and fight all the time so maybe they are males, i don't think the shape of the fins makes much difference on jags i've seen big males that don't have...
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    Cryptoheros Nanaluteus

    they are fantasic fish ,you will have no problems selling the fry.
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    Red Jewel Cichlid

    i had a single one with some bigger ca cichlids and it was completly nuts it wouldn't back down for anything no matter what the size, i had to rehome it in the end.
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    Nandopsis Grammodes

    all cichlids are different so sometimes people get away with keeping aggressive cichlids with other fish, but what i would say is a gammodes is a very aggressive fish once they start to mature at around 6" they are stone cold killers. you could always just try but keep a close eye on things.
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    My Little Convict Girl

    very nice colour :)
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    Can Anyone Sex My Green Terror?

    hard to tell with out venting the fish, but if i had to guess i would say female.
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    Courting Behavior In Blood Parrots

    the only way for sure to sex them is to vent them or wait for one to lay eggs, if they are about to spawn you can normally dee there breeding tubes ,i've never heard of a fertile male parrot so you would be very lucky if you have one. it's also not unheard of for 2 females to pair up.
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    Salvini - Sexing.

    female, females have black on dorsal fin and black spot on gill cover.
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    no way would 3 oscars in a 55 gallon be ok, they are big messy fish, if you get one fully grown oscar in that size tank it looks cramped.
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    Advice Needed On Cichlid

    looks like a mayan to me.
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    Brackish Water Cichlids?

    some archer fish are brackish.
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    Thai Silk Flowerhorn

    i had a flowerhorn that used to do loops and at the bottom of the loop was upside down, i've seen a few other do the same , my fish was nice and healthy so i don't think it's anything to worry about :)
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    Open Cichlid Forum All Welcome

    i had a jewel and i have say it was the most aggressive fish i've ever seen and i keep flowerhorns and midas cichlids, mine was in with a green terror which was three times the size of the jewel, the green terror once ripped off one of the jewel cichlids fins in a fight and still the jewel would...
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    Helloo Again

    good to see you back, used to really enjoy reading your posts about your cichlids :good:
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    Convict Cichlids

    i love convicts and have kept many over the years, if you have one male and three females the male will mate with one of the females and the others will be killed almost guaranteed. if i was you i would wait until a pair forms and remove the other females.
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    Are These Fish Easy To Keep I Have Too

    males can reach about 12" females about 8" they can hold there own with some of the more aggressive new world cichlids, i've had a few that were fairly mild but some of them can be fairly nasty, beautiful fish :)
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    Bullied Cichlid

    don't flush him down the toilet it's not a pleasant death for a fish and it's not the fish's fault convicts are an aggressive cichlid, you best bet would be to take it back to the shop.
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    Jaguar Cichlid

    i would also say female.
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    T-Bar/sajica Cichlids

    i've bred them before they are nice fish not as aggressive as convicts they are a bit more picky choosing mates than convicts, you can normally sex them quite small, the females have a yellow tinge to the dorsal while the males are red. i would suggest getting 5 or 6 and wait till they pair up...
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    Electricity Bill Huge

    i use british gas and they send me a reminder every month to read the meter and then they bill be for the exact amount that i've used so there's no getting behind with payments.
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    Discus & Worms

    you can you it to worm other fish as well, works great :good:
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    Whoo What A Present From The Wife

    wow very nice, can i borrow your wife :D
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    Convicts Having A Domestic!

    after my convicts spawn the male beats the female for about 4 days and then they go back to normal, so yes just normal convict behaviour.
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    My Keyhole Cichlids

    i don't think i've ever seen keyholes that look that good, very nice fish and in great condition :)
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    Male Of Female Sajica

    looks female to me, females have a yellow tinge to the fins and a black outline along the dorsal fin.
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    Tiger Barbs And Cons

    i've kept tiger barbs with breeding convicts before and didn't have any problems other than the odd chase.
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    What Food Is The Most Effective For Making Fish Grow?

    +1 new life spectrum is the only food i use for my cichlids.
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    Aqua One 700 Aquis External Filter

    Mod edit i paid £70 for this a week ago ,sorry raptorrex can't do it for £30 posted it will cost me a tenner to post it, looks like i may as well keep it.
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    Aqua One 700 Aquis External Filter

    Equipment make/model/size: aqua one 700 aquis external filter Quantity for sale: not needed Reason for Sale: bought this filter but have decided on a bigger tank Delivery or Collection: either Sales price: £ offers Postage & Packaging: £10.00 Location: durham Photograph: Uploaded...
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    Incredibly Strange Behaviourfiremouth Breeding Activity Or Normal?

    classic cichlid breeding behaviour.
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    37G Convict Tank

    i've kept and bred loads of convicts and have also never seen a true pair, i had a group of six and the dominant male mated with one of the females and then lost interest in that female and matted with another.
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    My Psychopath

    i used to have one that terrorised my big male GT, they got into a scrap one day the the GT ripped off the jewels pectoral fin, the jewel still wouldn't back down. beautiful fish but they are complete menaces :)
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    I Can't Get My Gsp To Eat!

    have you tried an earthworm, not many puffers will refuse a worm.
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    My Fish Room Now & The New One (Soon To Be)

    thats going to be very nice, i love cellars as well the last house i was in had a cellar good insulation they tend to stay at a constant temp :good:
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    Diy Brine Shrimp

    i've got one of these and works great and no messing about with air pumps
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    Attention: People With Sand

    i changed my sand to black gravel as i was told it would bring out the colour in the fish but it just made them and the tank really dark so i'm going back to sand (argos play sand) much more natural looking, you can see when it's dirty and easy to clean :) i changed my sand to black gravel as...
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    Java Moss

    i'll take some if anyone drops out :)
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    Feeding Fry

    +1 for the brine shrimp, fry love them and they are really easy to hatch :)
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    My New Fire Eel

    i'm the same, when i saw your pic's of the abei puffers makes me want to get another, i always end up selling or trading in fish only to regret it later on :)