Can Anyone Sex My Green Terror?


New Member
May 21, 2011
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Hi my Green terror is just over a year old and roughly 6 inches, can anyone tell the sex? pic was taken with my phone so its not great, the blue colouring on his/her body usually look brighter, thanks
hard to tell with out venting the fish, but if i had to guess i would say female.
I would say female, might still be a little small to say 100%.....Females have more rounded fins,but saying there is a little exstension at top i can see, males have a more lumpy forhead which yours lacks, but this comes with maturaty
I would say female, might still be a little small to say 100%.....Females have more rounded fins,but saying there is a little exstension at top i can see, males have a more lumpy forhead which yours lacks, but this comes with maturaty

at 6 inches, the fish is probably pretty least mature enough to have fin extensions...
cheers for the help everyone. il keep an eye on how the fin develops, if it doesnt extend anymore then looks like its a female.
That's not a green terror
It's an Orange Saum, and looks to be a female too. True Green Terror's don't have an orange edging to their fins and the colour is slightly different.
I didn't think it was a true green terror as these are rare. In the aquarium trade false green terrors are usually called gold saums.but still get labelled as green terrors. Which is what I thought mine was. But never heard of an orange saum. Thought there was just gold or white saums.
I didn't think it was a true green terror as these are rare. In the aquarium trade false green terrors are usually called gold saums.but still get labelled as green terrors. Which is what I thought mine was. But never heard of an orange saum. Thought there was just gold or white saums.

Orange Saums and Gold Saums are the same thing :)
Gold Saums get called 'Green Terrors' more than the true fish, so for the sake of not being awkward, its a Green Terror.
No it's not... It's a gold saum, Green Terror's are rare in the aquarium trade I'd be surprised if it was a true Green Terror. Trust me, I know.
I have a green terror that I don't think is a even green terror.
No it's not... It's a gold saum, Green Terror's are rare in the aquarium trade I'd be surprised if it was a true Green Terror. Trust me, I know.
No it's not... It's a gold saum, Green Terror's are rare in the aquarium trade I'd be surprised if it was a true Green Terror. Trust me, I know.
And your knowledge is above others because....
No it's not... It's a gold saum, Green Terror's are rare in the aquarium trade I'd be surprised if it was a true Green Terror. Trust me, I know.
No it's not... It's a gold saum, Green Terror's are rare in the aquarium trade I'd be surprised if it was a true Green Terror. Trust me, I know.
And your knowledge is above others because....

Because a Green Terror is Andinoacara Stalsbergi and Gold Saum is Andinoacara Rivulatus...
It's simply genetics and the names they were originally given. This is a Gold Saum(Andinoacara Rivulatus) and not a Green Terror(Andinoacara Stalsbergi). Simple as.
Plus, I never said my knowledge was above all others. I said the true name of the fish so that the OP can deal with a 10-12" fully grown fish rather than start wondering when it get's past 8".

It's pretty easy to tell...

Andinoacara Stalsbergi -
Andinoacara Rivulatus -

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