New Member
Hi my Green terror is just over a year old and roughly 6 inches, can anyone tell the sex? pic was taken with my phone so its not great, the blue colouring on his/her body usually look brighter, thanks
I would say female, might still be a little small to say 100%.....Females have more rounded fins,but saying there is a little exstension at top i can see, males have a more lumpy forhead which yours lacks, but this comes with maturaty
I didn't think it was a true green terror as these are rare. In the aquarium trade false green terrors are usually called gold saums.but still get labelled as green terrors. Which is what I thought mine was. But never heard of an orange saum. Thought there was just gold or white saums.
No it's not... It's a gold saum, Green Terror's are rare in the aquarium trade I'd be surprised if it was a true Green Terror. Trust me, I know.
And your knowledge is above others because....No it's not... It's a gold saum, Green Terror's are rare in the aquarium trade I'd be surprised if it was a true Green Terror. Trust me, I know.
No it's not... It's a gold saum, Green Terror's are rare in the aquarium trade I'd be surprised if it was a true Green Terror. Trust me, I know.And your knowledge is above others because....No it's not... It's a gold saum, Green Terror's are rare in the aquarium trade I'd be surprised if it was a true Green Terror. Trust me, I know.