Are These Fish Easy To Keep I Have Too

Very easy to keep. They do get large and can be quite aggressive and will eat any fish they think will fit in their mouths. Beautiful fish tho.
Very easy to keep. They do get large and can be quite aggressive and will eat any fish they think will fit in their mouths. Beautiful fish tho.
how big do they get and atm there babys so nothing will fit in there mouths apart from food fankfully lol
I had my worst ever experience keeping 4 of these juveniles. Evil isn't the word for them. Had them a few days and they terrorised and ripped fish apart. I still have nightmares
males can reach about 12" females about 8" they can hold there own with some of the more aggressive new world cichlids, i've had a few that were fairly mild but some of them can be fairly nasty, beautiful fish :)
Not a geophagus for the faint hearted IMO. There are milder ones out there
Geophagus Braziliensis red are these hard fish

so you bought the fish before you had read anything about keeping them? Not the best practice, it's really very important to do as much research on any fish prior to buying them.

as has been stated above, these are large fish and require tanks suitably as large. Hopefully you have one already? If not I strongly advise you return the fish to where you bought them from.

according to you post here:

you have a 2.4ft 90l tank. The Geophagus Braziliensis is therefore completely unsuitable.
Geophagus Braziliensis red are these hard fish

so you bought the fish before you had read anything about keeping them? Not the best practice, it's really very important to do as much research on any fish prior to buying them.

as has been stated above, these are large fish and require tanks suitably as large. Hopefully you have one already? If not I strongly advise you return the fish to where you bought them from.

according to you post here:

you have a 2.4ft 90l tank. The Geophagus Braziliensis is therefore completely unsuitable.
welll the man in a well known tropical fish shop and only specialise in tropical fish seemed to fink they will be alrite i hope they will .
welll the man in a well known tropical fish shop and only specialise in tropical fish seemed to fink they will be alrite i hope they will .

sadly not all shop assistants/owners have the fishes best interest at heart - they are businesses after all and at the end of the day profit is thier primary focus.
this was the owner and i personally no him he said if you have any problems just bring them back but he said it would be doubt ful as they will grow up with the other fish and the other fish seem to chase them around lol cheers for the advice ill keep a reallty close eye on them as they grow and if they start to pic on other fish there be shipped back to my friends shop refund or no refund lol
this was the owner and i personally no him he said if you have any problems just bring them back but he said it would be doubt ful as they will grow up with the other fish and the other fish seem to chase them around lol cheers for the advice ill keep a reallty close eye on them as they grow and if they start to pic on other fish there be shipped back to my friends shop refund or no refund lol
my other fish seem to be chasing them around its strange but when they grow as there a ppair i gues there team up and fight back but before then they will be gone lol

gone to a new owner or tank .that suits their requirments
What size tank are they in because they need a 4ft 70g minimum, i used to have one and he was soft as s--- but got to big for my 75g with the other fish, they hate other Geos and similar fish like Firemouths big time!

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