What Food Is The Most Effective For Making Fish Grow?


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May 20, 2011
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Hi have had my golden Severus and uaru cichlids for 6/12 months and haven't really seen a great increase in size, I feed them tetra prima, bloodworm and brine shrimp, I wondered if there were any other foods I could give which might see them grow a bit quicker, many thanks
Hi have had my golden Severus and uaru cichlids for 6/12 months and haven't really seen a great increase in size, I feed them tetra prima, bloodworm and brine shrimp, I wondered if there were any other foods I could give which might see them grow a bit quicker, many thanks

The best fish food on the market is New Life Spectrum. It works miracles. They have a growth formula http://www.amazon.com/New-Life-Spectrum-Growth-Formula/dp/B0002E7K20/ref=sr_1_1?s=pet-supplies&ie=UTF8&qid=1323904604&sr=1-1
+1 new life spectrum is the only food i use for my cichlids.
Thank you, what about the cichlid formula one? Or is the grow one you linked me better?
How old were they when you got them? It could just be that they're adults and they won't grow any bigger. Nothing wrong with that.
I looked on amazon and went to purchase it, but as I'm living in the united kingdom, they won't ship to me
I think I've had them roughly 8/9 months and they were very small and young but I'm not sure on the exact age, I've seen a lot bigger ones
Look around the interwebs, or you could just use amazon.co.uk
Ditto NLS, hands down the best stuff out there right now.

You should be able to find it somewhere online. Your LFS may be able to special order for you.

Don't worry about it saying cichlid on the label, the regular formula is the same.

Specific to growth alone, that simply requires a lot of protein. The problem is that although this may make them physically grow a little faster, it won't provide balanced, complete nutrition for HEALTHY growth. The difference is that IME some other foods MAY get fish to grow a little faster, but fish on NLS exclusively are healthier overall and do better long term.
What size tank have you got your sevs and uarus in? And how often do you do water changes? They really ought to have grown a fair bit in that time.

Also, have you wormed them at all?
I feed my firemouth cichlid Hikari Massivore since I've been feeding him it he's grown loads!!!
The tank is 5ft, 440litres, feed them tetra prima, bloodworm and brine shrimp, have I wormed them?

Oooooo and 20% water change once a month - month and a half
The tank is 5ft, 440litres, feed them tetra prima, bloodworm and brine shrimp, have I wormed them?

Oooooo and 20% water change once a month - month and a half

I would say a month is too long for a 20% water change, i use NLS for my fish got it from flebay
Ditto NLS, best food out right now by far.

What is the nitrate concentration?

That water change schedule has to change. My usual recommendation is weekly at least 25%, larger if needed to keep the nitrate under 20ppm before a water change. It sounds like the water quality has stunted them.

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