Thai Silk Flowerhorn


Fish Herder
Jul 12, 2011
Reaction score
pontypridd, south wales.
Ok so i just wanted to post some pics to show everyone (or anyone that's interested lol) I couple of pics of my juvenile Thai Silk Flowerhorn. He is in a 40 gal at the moment until he grows a little then he will be going into the 125 with my Ornate Birchir. I just think he is small enough at the moment for Ornate to eat, which obviously would be a disaster

So... This was him the day i had him delivered...



And this is him now, only around 3 weeks later but i think he's looking better?? ....




What do you guys think? Still very small, I'd say nearly 2 1/2 - 3 inches maybe but hopefully should only look better as time goes on.
Very hansome/beautiful fish! In the 3&4 pictures, he kinda looks like an Acei. ^__^
He's going to be awesome when he's full grown. I am curious what the mix is to get the blue flower horns.
Thanks, I sure hope so. He is starting to fill out even more now than when I took the 2nd pics and that was only 4 days ago lol eating more as the days go bye and far more confident than when I had him. He used to hide as soon as I or anyone else went up to the tank but now he's getting curious and wants to see what's going on :)

As for the mix, I have no idea lol
Ok just a quick update and a question on my flowerhorn....

He has now been moved into the 125 gal with my ornate bichir and all is well. They dont go near each other. He is eating well 3 times a day and taking food from my hand, growing very nicely, getting better colour (a little darker blue like other Thai Silks iv seen) but as with most flowerhorns iv seen and heard of he is getting a bad attitude even though he is still only around 3 inches.

I will get an updated pic of him on here ASAP

The question i have is that quite often he swims around in loops? As in he will swim in circles up and bk around as though he is doing backflips lol is this normal? Reason I ask is there like I said above, everything else about him is great and there is no change in water readings... 0 ammonia 0 nitrites 20 nitrates... As its always been in all my tanks such as the 40 he was in before moving to the 125.

Iv been doing water changes as I normally do which is 50% water change once a week and a gravel vac. Topped back up with heated dechlorinated water (added seachem prime). It's funny to watch him I just want to put my mind at rest. He never hides away and is always lively. When he's not doing this he is trying to attack his reflection :)

Any input/advice is appreciated...
My flowerhorn has never swam like you suggested, what is your temp?

Maybe you should start a topic in the emergancy section as WILDER will help you out :)
Temp is currently 27 degrees c. Same as it was in the 40 gal he was in for a couple of weeks. He never swam like that in the smaller tank. Think it was because he didn't have the room to
i had a flowerhorn that used to do loops and at the bottom of the loop was upside down, i've seen a few other do the same , my fish was nice and healthy so i don't think it's anything to worry about :)
Thanks for your reply, I went ahead and put a thread in the emergency department just to be safe than sorry. Since doing so I seen many videos of healthy flowerhorns doing the same as mine and as yours did. Also seen lots of threads on various sites and forums stating that they do this to show they are comfortable and they are trying to get their owners attention. It is very common in young flowerhorns but adults also do it form time to time. He is very healthy when it comes to day to day activity, eating and appearance. My tank is a 5 foot 450 litres so it's big enough and has 2 tetratec ex1200 filters so there is also enough filtration. I also have OCD so my tank is always to my liking lol bet the fish appreciate that haha
Just another quick update so you all know what's going on with the FH :)

I decided to rehome my Ornate Bichir... Still not sure if it was the right thing to do but now the FH has the tank to himself and seems even happier than he was before so that's got to be a plus. Before he used to patrol the tank but not really go near the where the Ornate was. It was like they got on but the FH had doubts because of the size difference between the 2 of them.

The way I look at it, now the FH can grow and explore the whole tank and iv got 1 less thing to worry about :)

125gal for 1 juvenile FH... He loves it lol
I have replied on your thread in the emergency section. Beautiful fish now I have seen the pics :)

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