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  1. osiris

    Shinli's Aquarium Madness

    Woah, i love the colours, your tempting me to get a whole new tank just to get a shoal of tetra's! :good:
  2. osiris

    New External Filter

    ok cheers, il try running both first if theres room and if not then i'll have to cut the sponge as its rectangular at the moment and needs to be circular now. :)
  3. osiris

    Compatibility Question...

    In my experience it depends on what type of barbs, tiger barbs are the worst for nipping fins, especially those off an angel fish which to them are just asking to be nipped.. :lol: other types such as cherry barbs were fine with mine..
  4. osiris

    New External Filter

    Just bought a Tetra tec EX1200 for my 55 gallon tank and was just wondering the best way to introduce it as i will need to cycle it at the same time as having my normal filter keeping the tank running and bacteria etc alive... any ideas as the best way to do this...shall i just have two running...
  5. osiris

    Buy A Severum T-Shirt

    Aha, i want the tie and the mug! :lol:
  6. osiris

    Salvin's Cichlid

    Ok cheers guys, was just a thought :good:
  7. osiris

    Always Had Trouble Keeping It Clean

    The sevs are about 6/7 inches which isnt huge for sevs. I cant just out of the blue buy a 400= litre tank i simply dont have the room or the money for it. Il start to investigate an external filter... always wanted one but how hard would it be to change from this filter to an external... id...
  8. osiris

    Always Had Trouble Keeping It Clean

    Aha, cheers, its not the cleaning of the glass thats the issue... its the water quality, i'll try some new filter media and give the tank a a full do over and see where that gets me.. thanks
  9. osiris

    Salvin's Cichlid

    Ok cheers, the male sev is only about 6-7 inches and the female about 5/6, i guess they still have a bit of growing to do. this is why i asked, i have pretty bad judgement on fish size ratio to volume of water and i can get a little over excited about adding a new fish. Many thanks
  10. osiris

    Always Had Trouble Keeping It Clean

    i have no idea what filter it is, i know that sounds bad but it came with the tank, it seems big enough and has enough space and compartments that i assumed it would be good enough, one thing that keeps happening is dead leaves and junk get stuck in the water inlet slowing the water through it...
  11. osiris

    Always Had Trouble Keeping It Clean

    hey, i have come to you for advice on cleaning methods, i have seen pictures of some very large tanks on this site and they look absolutely spotless! i try to keep mine the same but i think my tank has only ever been the same amount of 'clean' when it was brand new, i dont know whether its the...
  12. osiris

    Salvin's Cichlid

    hello, i am just wondering the idea of adding another cichlid to my 250l south american set up which at the moment houses a pair of green severum's and a pair of festive cichlids all of which are now mature. It is either to add one or two of Cichlasoma salvini (salvin's cichlid) or to add a...
  13. osiris

    What Have You Been Bitten By?

    Ive been bitten by my 8 inch sev when he was guarding his eggs.. all i wanted to do was scrape algae off the glass, i was fine, it only left a red mark :)
  14. osiris

    Severum Spawn

    Hi, so in my 250 litre south american set up my 2 severums have decided to spawn on a coconut shell in the corner, they're protecting them very well but i dont know much about eggs and what i should do so, could you please help... Thanks
  15. osiris

    Sudden Aggressiveness

    ok, cheers, i cant see any, its quite likely that theyve been eaten due to the other fish in the tank so i guess il just leave it, im asuming that my sevs will go back to their normal selves or either spawn again. thanks alot
  16. osiris

    Sudden Aggressiveness

    oh rite, thats exactly what happens so i guess she must do. theres no other sevs in there apart from herself and the male, what should i do now? should i take them out? also where do sevs normally spawn? i cant see any obvious eggs anywhere.... Thanks
  17. osiris

    Sudden Aggressiveness

    my, smaller of my two severums has suddenly become very aggressive towards other fish and anything that goes in the tank every now and then like a magnet glass cleaner. its frightened away most of its tank mates and, well, i dont want them all to hide so, could someone please explain why this is...
  18. osiris

    Black Light?

    how do i delete this post, dont wanna be shouted at by the officials
  19. osiris

    Black Light?

    i saw a black light in my lfs today and have no idea about them, could soneone explain what they do, benefits? effects? tropical fish or marine? aswell as a normal light? they just look interesting so... oo also, whats the verdict on air stones...i found my old one nd put it in today nd my...
  20. osiris

    Tank Update

    Thats realy nice, your keyhole is looking amazing. nice job
  21. osiris


    yea, ok cool cheers
  22. osiris


    hey, i seem to be going through a phase of making my tank look as natural as possible and have seen some of your cichlids in and you all seem to have a black or 3D back-drop. Ive never bothered having one, will it change anything?? i.e will it emphasise the colours of my fish?
  23. osiris

    36 Or 55 Gallon Options? *update* Stocking 55?

    IF your going for the Cichlids, you now need to think about what kind of cichlids as some dont mix well, you can either choose an afican set-up or a south american (amazonian) set-up. the south americans are much more versatile and easy going, whereas the africans require much more care and...
  24. osiris

    Algae Bloom Return!

    well i dont have any extra CO2 going into the tank, i have good circulation , ammonia levels are fine, no direct sunlight, i will try the black out again, it have been the lack of plants,. Thanks for your help and concern :)
  25. osiris

    Various Stages Of My Rio 125 Over The Last Two Years

    :drool: That is amazing, well done
  26. osiris

    55 Gallon Stocking

    I disagree, as long as the firemouth doesnt go hungry, they arent particularly aggressive so i would say its ok, i have two in with neons and kribs so... I think it depends on an idividual fish tbh
  27. osiris

    Marbled Or Silver

    disease shouldnt be an issue as ive never had any and i do have other fish that need specific water but seem fine so.. i think it going to have to be a gamble tbh.
  28. osiris

    Marbled Or Silver

    OK, i want some hatchet fish to finnish off my amazon set up and have read the marbles require softer water which i dont have, are the silvers the same??
  29. osiris

    55 Gallon Stocking

    What are GBR's??
  30. osiris

    Red Spotted Severum

    hes gunna look sweeeeeeeeet :good:
  31. osiris

    What R These?

    To me they seem like young firemouths but then again i havnt ever seen a spirilus
  32. osiris

    Algae Bloom Return!

    hey, some of you may know i have had recent troubles with algae bloom in my water and its returning, am i right in thinking that phosphate removers will help, BUT wont they starve my plants??
  33. osiris

    Sand, How Deep ?

    Thats true, i found out that the long way, i only had about 1 inch in but suddenly my plants were floating around all over the place
  34. osiris

    Suggestions For 65 Gallon South American Tank Please

    Yea, fair enough, maybe stay away from them then :good:
  35. osiris

    Suggestions For 65 Gallon South American Tank Please

    he has 65 gallons to fill a couple of them would fit fine woth others in aswel surely ?!?
  36. osiris

    A Few Of My Fish

    Woah! thats really nice :good:
  37. osiris

    A Few Of My Fish

    Really nice looking fish! would be good to see some whole tank shots :)
  38. osiris

    Which Fish Should I Add To My 165l Community?

    hmmm, you could look at peaceful cichlids, - keyholes, kribs, rams, or maybe angel fish, they tend to mix well with communities. I think you will have trouble finding a peaceful, not too big oddball. You could maybe look at something like a elephant fish, i dont know alot about them but im...
  39. osiris

    My 250 Litre

    awesome, i havnt tried to breed them yet, been to busy with my endlers >
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