Sand, How Deep ?


Fish Crazy
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
Lanarkshire, Scotland
Hi, Just put a bag of Argos playsand (15kg)in to my Fluval Roma 125 tank. It covers about an 1-1/4 inches of the tank bottom. The tank will be planted with basic plants and have corys and tetras in it. Is the sand deep enough or do i need to add more sand, thanks in advance for any advice, Alan
You want around/at least 2 inches of substrate if you plan on planting the tank.

Thats true, i found out that the long way, i only had about 1 inch in but suddenly my plants were floating around all over the place
with sand i go for 2-3 "' as after a while it can drop by half an inch as it settles
with sand i go for 2-3 "' as after a while it can drop by half an inch as it settles

i loose a little doing a vac of it but i can add more when it get too low

Yeah same here.

It takes a little practice doing a gravel vac with sand.

You gotta hover like 1 cm above the sand, just enough to suck up the poo but not the sand. But I still end up sucking some sand out.

Thanks guys, Looks like another trip to Argos for another bag then, and yet more hours of laboriously cleaning sand, Ah the joys of fishkeeping, Cheers, Alan

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