A Few Of My Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jan 20, 2007
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These guys are so fat,and cool.They never stop unless they go back in their wood caves when they do come out,so it's very hard to get decent pics.These are my biggest 2(of 4),have had the bigger one for about 3 years and the second one about 2.5 years,the other 2 are just babies,got them togehter about a month ago.Largest is about 5 inches,second is 4 inches maybe a tad bigger,the two babies were an inch or smaller when i got them but they have put on a half inch or so real fast.



A good rest spot after a hard days algae eating.Have had this guy for 2.5 years,and another smaller one that I can't get decent pics of for around 8 months.Big guy is 5.5-6 inches and they smaller almost 3 inches

These upside down cats are normally really shy but his guy was just chilling out in the open after feeding time.He's probably almost 2 inches long.

Just got these guys around 4 months ago,I have 8 of them and they seam to have settled in very well and are really cool fish to look at.These guys are 3 inches or so.


Oto cats are neato.The fat one of the grass was one of my first fish,He's been with us for a bit over 3 years,the other one is a random one of 4 others in the tank,all being somewhere between 3 and 1 years old.All the otos are .75-1 inches.

lovely pics, I want a spotted dora now? is it a dora? lol

i take it you like bottom dwellers? lol
Thankis for the nice comments,I'll pass them on to the fish :p

Yeah,I'm a bit partial to cat fish types.Aye,it is a doradidae,Agamyxis pectinifrons. They spend alot of time hidden away but they are very cool looking fish and they are my favorites,hence 4 of them that I hardly ever see hehe.I'd recommend them to anyone who is ok with the fact that they won't see them but once every few weeks on average,very easy to keep,they eat anything, and are long lived fishes (I've read of people having them for 15+ years.
i am in love with the fat little otto! what a cute pot belly!!!
lovely fish!!!!
Best I can do for right now as it midday now and alot of light comes in our windows makeing all sorts of nasty reflections.


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