Shinli's Aquarium Madness


New Member
Jul 23, 2010
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Why hai there fellow aquarium lovers! I'd like to share my tank madness with you all. I shall give a bit of history on my tanks, and hopefully will share my future upcoming tanks as well.

First of all I'll start with my Vision 260 Community Tank. Which is located in our living room. I bought this tank last year in March. Here's a few old photo's how it was way back then :p

March '09 Empty Tank:

First water:

And first plants, look how empty it is XD:

June '09, first f;ishies in there, plants have grown :D

January '10, redid the tank in december, in one day so I didn't have to move the fish to anywhere else :D

And this is how the tank looks now:

The fishies
Let's introduce my fish :D

Here's Daniel:

Group of 5 Carnegiella strigata, don't know the english name for them if they have any :p

My LDA-033, one of the very few shots I can get of him, he's very shy >.>

Some of my 11 Corydoras Sterbai:

Rummy-nosed Tetra, one of the 24 in total

And a bunch of them, curious they are

And my old pseudogastromyzon Cheni, who has sadly died in the beginning of this year:

Now onto my Rekord 60, which is currently home to 4 pseudogastromyzon Cheni and one recovering Betta male who I took from a pet shop I had my traineeship. The gastromyzon will soon move to a proper hillstream tank, which I'll make in my new (2nd hand) rio125, with proper water movement and all :D.

Overall picture:

One cheni:

I snapped a lot of pictures, but the lightning conditions and my camera weren't really working along. I also couldn't get a proper picture yet of the betta male sadly. So you will get to see him later on :D.

This is btw an old setup of the Rekord 60 tank in June 09, but then the pump broke and I kinda didn't do anything with it until a few months ago when I started it up again ^^

Hope you've enjoyed, and when I can I will post some new pictures and updates on my new rio125 hillstream setup!
These are brilliant! I love the stock you have in the 260.

Great scapes, a real inspiration.
Thank you guys ^^. Yeh I'm quite satisfied with the current setup of the vision 260. And the plants are growing really well (had some real problems with plant growth last year). I'm planning to buy a professional co-2 system when my next pay-check comes in :D. So then they will grow even better. And the rummy-noses are doing great :D. Thanks again!
Thanks :D. The photo's are made with my Nikon D-60, and some with my normal digital camera. And the LDA-033 is actually made with my iphone XD.
Beautiful aquarium and beautiful fish! I really like the rummy-nose tetras. I've been thinking of getting some. I like the floating plants, too. And the betta and the marble hatchetfish seem happy with them, too!
Thanks mark :D

Owh yeh, and apart from aquarium madness, we (or well I) also have some pet madness going on. All the pets, apart from the 2 cats we have, are all my pets. My parents are obviously 'very' happy with me at times with all these pets XD.

Our cat Terry:

The other cat Blacky:

My two bunnies, on the left hand side is Freya, the other is Gwyn. Two females, had them since december 08:

My newest bunny, Baldr, a male, when he's older he'll get a new home with Gwyn and Freya. Hopefully that way the two ladies will calm down a bit >.>.

Gwyn and Freya when they were still kept inside, with another cat, Myra. She was crazy, but sadly was driven over and died instantly the beginning of this year :(.

And my two male gerbils, Apollo and Helios, got them in march 2008 :D

Woah, i love the colours, your tempting me to get a whole new tank just to get a shoal of tetra's! :good:
I think me and you have twin cats! My ginger one looks IDENTICAL to yours curled up in a ball. I'm going to go hunting for my cat now and get a pic. Its scary how like for like they are.

On the tank - i love it! Rummynose are just the most awesome tetra going. I had a shoal in my 3ft few years back, i really miss them.
on a side note: My twin cat


Simba :p He's got more white on his belly than yours, unless yours is hiding it :p
Thank you all for the awesome comments :D.

@verminator: I think rummy nosed tetra's are awesome as well, although I've never owned other tetra's though. There behavior is definitely interesting. Sadly today I found a sick rummy nose, her eyes are popping out so I put that one in a quarantine tank. Hopefully she's gonna make it though >.>.

Here's another picture of my ginger cat, a headshot, she has a lot less white, and her marking is a bit different. But your cat is definitely cute. I love ginger cats.


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