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    Help With Fishes...

    I would move the medium Oscars and some catfish (your chose) in to the other tank. More room may mean may cause less agression !!!!!! Hope it works.
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    Fish Game #2

    Maybe a Peacock cichlid ??? Thier from Lake Malawi ???
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    I need to restock my tank

    Hi. Im also setting up a Lake Malawi tank and these are some suggestions for you : Gold labs, Kennyi, Troheops and Peacock Cichlids. I think im getting Neon -Blue peacocks for about $15.
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    The lowdown on Oscars...

    Bottom Feeders. I'm putting my two (4inch) Oscars in a 4ft tank and ppl here have told me that a 'Common Pleco' would be fine.
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    looking for some tank mates

    What about peacocks ??? I think they are purple tho, not sure.
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    I agree with Gt it would be about the max for that tank.Sorry
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    my breeding platies

    I'd try catfish. As long as they get to the babies before they get to big they will eat them.I've heard that even Corydoras Catfish will eat small fry!!! I thought the other platies would eat the babies though ????? hope u cure your problam.
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    Would these fish be ok in the same tank ????

    How would these fish go together ????? Electric blue, Kennyi, Tropheops, Gold labs, Peacock cichlis. Im not to keen on the Eletric blues cause they grow too big. What abou the rest ????? Its for my Lake Malawi tank. any in fo on the peacock would be great. Are they good with small fish cause...
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    looking for some tank mates

    What about Electric Blue Cichlids. As long as the Labs are the same size there should be no prob.The Electric Blues grow to about 20cn and are carnivorious.
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    Thanks i have got one of those net breeders thats what shes in.
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    Im going to take her out when they are born and im getting a bigger tank in a couple of weeks to they can have one to they selves.Thanks foor the help!!!!
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    Spawning Pineapple Swords

    What coulor are these Swordtails as i have i male who is lemon,red,orange with a black stripe onhis tail???
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    PLEASE GO TO TROPICAL FISH EMERGENCES GO TO please help !!! you r the only one here.
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    Hi, I think i have a preg Platy ! Its a female (obviously) its stomach is [B]huge.I mean HUGE. It is in with some other Platies in a 5 gallon tank its in a fry coral at the moment, should i leave it in there until the fry are born ??? This is my first try at breeding Platies so Im not sure what...
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    Thinknig of starting an Ebay business

    Go Fish. Gotta go fish!!!!! Lol :D :P :D :P :D :P :D :P
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    I got it all planed out

    definetly go drift wood real plants and rocks.
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    which ones??? Theres so many!!!!

    Xxz how many fry do they have??? would the fry be ok growing up in the 2ft or do i have to shift them???? :/
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    which ones??? Theres so many!!!!

    Thanks i'll do that. I work at our lfs so ill see if i can sell them there? I prob will cause they did that when i had an oscar that kept getting beaton up , whenit sells i get the money. I'll get more info on the kribs. Thanx :D
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    The Cleaners

    If i put a pleco the same size as my oscars(4in) would it be ok if they were in a 4ft tank and it had lots of hidey holes would the pleco get bullied??? :huh:
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    What are some other good cheap pets

    I have two Axolotles and they're great i feed them on frozen blood worms and earth worms.
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    my pelcos weird

    I had a sucker mouth catfish and it was 2inches long when it use to get half way out of the water, stay there for a bit then go back doing his normal thing i still wonder what that was when he did that???
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    What are the measurments of the tank in inchs???? Then I'll see if theres two many fish!!!!!!
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    which ones??? Theres so many!!!!

    Thanx for that i might get Kribs and put them in a smaller tank. Would a 2ft tank be big enough for a pair ???? I've had a couple of Congo tetras so i prob wont get them but thanks for the info. If i did get them to breed !!!What are they worth in Australia ???? THANKS :D :P :D :P :D
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    Red Empress

    What are these fish i keep hearing about ??? what size are they, are they agressive what fish can they be kept with and what size tank do they need. Alaso what do they look like. They sound very interesting!!!!! Thanx :D
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    My First Setup

    Pw im getting a tank of that size do you know the amount of gallons it holds so i know how many fish and what to put in it. Bye the way great tank ya just need more fish what about swordtails or mollies to go in there??? :D
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    which ones??? Theres so many!!!!

    Thanks I might get some. Im getting a 30x12x15inchs (i think thats the measurements) that will be a community tank. Im getting it in two weeks and I hope to set it upin tree weeks. Would the Kribensis go alright with the following fish:Bristlenose, Cory, Bala sharks, Neon tetras, Pictus catfish...
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    General Species Advice/Recomendation

    Did you want Cichlids ??? If so what about the Princess cichlid, Brichards Lamprologus or Agassiz's Dwarf Cichlid I the Agassiz or Brichards put they look nice. I have had the Princess are great.
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    Catfish tank

    If I were to have a 2ft tank would it be a good idea to have a Catfish Tank so i can take them out when they need to clean a tank and leave some in there just because i like them. These are the fish Salmon Catfish, Bristle Nose, Panda Cory, Pictus, Whiptail, Glass. When the larger ones get...
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    A true Lake Malawi Tank ?????

    would i still have a lake Malawi tank if i got catfich that were'nt from that lake????? :huh:
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    A true Lake Malawi Tank ?????

    Thnks they are a nice looking fish but you said they are expensive and hard to find so i might have to find some other caty even if it is't from Lake Malawi.
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    How's This?

    About the Blue Rams I keep one of mine in an 18 inch tank with some platies and danios and its fins ive had it for about 3-4 months.
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    Princess Cichlid

    Can any one tell me where these guys come from??? I had a pair once but i want some more i was just wondering if they came from Lake Malawi i really wish they do as im setting up a Malawi tank.Or maybe it will just have to be a Cichlid tank. :)
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    Welcome m8 !!!!!! Go Cichlids !!!!
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    too meny fish

    It doesnt sound like too many to me. As long as the catfish and pleco dont grow too big they should be fine!!!!
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    Hello from the newbie!

    Hey Jeff, welcome. Sounds like you love catfish. I love Cichlids but Catfish would be next on my list. Do you like the Salmon and Pictus caties. I love them!!!!
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    A true Lake Malawi Tank ?????

    If i added a few catfish to the tank im going to set up I want catfish but i dont want to wreck the theme.Can i have some ???? PLEASE HELP !!!!!!!! :P
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    what cichlids to get

    Malawi I reckon but i want some catfish to go with them thses are the Catfish i want :Salmon, Pictus, Bristlenose, Panda Cory and Common Pleco. Not all but some hope they can go in with them.
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    Broken photoos

    cOOL PIC, NICE TANKS i'M SO JEALOS :angry: :*) :grr:
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    pics - I hope

    Cool tanks niceley decorated !!!!! TOP STUFFFF :D :P :D :P :D :P :D
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    Sup everyone.

    Hey Matt i found some pics of the kribensis so dot send any they look cool!!! Might get some!!!!! thanx and welcome!!!! :D