which ones??? Theres so many!!!!

i love cichlids

Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2003
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hi I was just wondering if any one had any suggestions for what cichlids to get.I'll have a 3ft tank (36x18x14inch) with good filtration and a heater.
I was thinking about getting the following Keyholes, firemouth, Zebra Blue cichlid, convicts, Labidochromis Gold, Brichards Lamprologus i dont know how many but if there are some that will fight please tell me!!!
THANKS B) 8) 8) :hyper:
I know that firemouths can be agressive.... My brother kept his in a 275 gallon tank with a jack dempsey an oscar and a pirhana..... I wouldn't keep that many fish in a tank that size as well I have one jack dempsey my self and a tank that size is also too small for him so I am working on getting a bigger tank for him and another fish that gets big and agressive.
these are your best options

add a few targets/dither fish and imo any of these setups should be real fun
a pair of keyholes or
a pair of cons or
a pair of firemouths or
3 yellow labs and 2 males or 2 females if possible of the n.brichardi(they can be really nasty when spawning
or a mix of the yellow and blues 6 max imo

i assumed you meant these "Labidochromis Gold"
Did u ever consider a pair of Kribensis. They stay relatively small for a cichlid. But they can hold their own against much larger fish. I house mine with a pair of firemouths and that tank has done good in my opinion.
Xxzsdrklakdfj can you please send a pic of these fish they sound eally hardy!THANKS :p :D :D :p :p :D :D :p
kribensis-this picture ain't the best,they are very pretty fish imo


i have kept Kribensis and they are a great little fish but i personnaly prefer the Apistograma Cactuides
Thanks I might get some. Im getting a 30x12x15inchs (i think thats the measurements) that will be a community tank. Im getting it in two weeks and I hope to set it upin tree weeks. Would the Kribensis go alright with the following fish:Bristlenose, Cory, Bala sharks, Neon tetras, Pictus catfish and Blach Phantom Tetra. Not all of these fish but definetly some. Would they go alright??????? :eek: I hope so :D .
First off the bala shark, and Pictus catfish are a definate no. They can get pretty big, and those tetras would eventually become an easy meal. I have 2 pairs of Kribensis. Both of which have corys and plecos in their tanks, so i don't see a prob their. The Kribensis seem to stay mainly towards the bottom(besides when eating) so you don't really want to many fish that live in the lower levels(like the ,corys, and pleco) because the Kribs will avidly defend their territory. So having to many bottom dwelling fish could result in conflict. Now that's just my opinion from my past experiences with kribensis. My kribs aren't really agressive, but they can't stand a bottom-dwelling fish(in my case corys and Pleco) in their little territory. They chase it out faster than it came in, but once my kribs leave the little area around their cave it's as if the cory, and pleco don't even exist, So as long as u don't over due it on the bottow dwellers, no prob. I'm really not to sure about the neons because they are such small tetras they may be stressed by the agression of the kribs. If u get the kribs when they are pretty small u might be able to pull it off if you add them all at once. I have a few Lemon tetras and a few ottos in with my kribs and they're both pretty small. I don't see a prob with the Black Phantom Tetra as they're about the size of my lemons. Why don't u look into some Congo Tetras. They are some larger tetras and would do well with the kribs.
Thanx for that i might get Kribs and put them in a smaller tank. Would a 2ft tank be big enough for a pair ???? I've had a couple of Congo tetras so i prob wont get them but thanks for the info. If i did get them to breed !!!What are they worth in Australia ????
THANKS :D :p :D :p :D
A 2ft tank should be fine for a pair of Kribs and a couple of corys. I really don't know how much they would be worth in Australia, But they are pretty easy to breed.
Thanks i'll do that. I work at our lfs so ill see if i can sell them there? I prob will cause they did that when i had an oscar that kept getting beaton up , whenit sells i get the money. I'll get more info on the kribs.
Thanx :D
Xxz how many fry do they have??? would the fry be ok growing up in the 2ft or do i have to shift them???? :/
you may have to shift them after they get to about 1/2in. depending on how many babies they have.

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