Hello from the newbie!


New Member
Jan 2, 2003
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Hi guys, i've been reading some of the posts on the forum, and it seems like this a very down to earth, freindly place. I started the great hobby of fishkeeping about a year, and a half ago. I have learned a great deal through advice, and my own mistakes -_- , but i have had alot of fun.

I have two tanks right now. The first is a 20gal that has my two goldfish Frankie, and Freddie. They are of the 25 cent fancy variety, and i have had them for a year.

And my pride and joy is my 44 gal pentagon which i have community fish in. I have a pleco (Paulie), four bronze cory's, three albino cory's, two candystriped cory's, two angels, two bozeman's, six neons, and a platy.

I hope i can fit right in, and learn a few things! :D
Hiya there jeffro and welcome :) seems you like catfish quite a bit, yes you're going to fit in just fine :D
Catfish are definatly my favorite, because they have so much personality!

I have a rock with an airstone on the bottom of my tank. Well one of my albino's get's a kick out of swimming into the bubbles, and riding them to the top. He will do this four or five times in a row, it's hilarious! :D
Hey Jeff, welcome. Sounds like you love catfish. I love Cichlids but Catfish would be next on my list. Do you like the Salmon and Pictus caties. I love them!!!!

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