What are some other good cheap pets

I have two Axolotles and they're great i feed them on frozen blood worms and earth worms.
I have a 12 yr old iguana shes 3 ft(was longer but her& dog had issues....she won by the way) she refused to live in her cage anymore 2 yrs ago. :*) so she has run of the house..has her normal spots she hangs at.I have to keep at her alot with my plants indoors in winter.I gave her her own jalapeno plant this year.there are pics of her in my webshots
Http://community.webshots.com she has her own albulm. shes a veggie girl& fruit too :wub: .some fruits can do cheaper as babfood,but she does have her preferance on what she likes fresh. When you put fresh rasberries in you can bury them and she will dig out and eat first. :wub: :wub: :wub: shes not much trouble.a lil hard headed at times. :grr: sometimes she don't get it that she can't go outdoors in winter time....she just sees sun.LOL
Try hermit crabs..they like popcorn!...
I don't have any yet but a friend is bugging me to get a few!hmm I just might ...but they are somewhat time consumming :)
I completely agree with William. Pets aren't good because they're cheap. In fact, Ifind quite the opposite is true! And whatever you get, you have to be home to take care of it!
Last summer I wanted to make a butterfly house and keep butterflies. One of my friends said I could buy the butterflies off the internet but you're really buying the monarch catterpillers and raising them to butterflies. I just wanted butterflies. We have a butterfly bush in own yard, wich is soppose to be one of the ownly known things that can actaully attract butterflies so I would spent all day trying to get them but they were just too darn fast and I couldn't catch them
even with a butterfly net. You can make the house out of door screams and wood. In the late summer you just let them free. If you really get into it you can build a little heated green house to keep them in during the winter. I wouldn't go that far though, but it would be cool for us because we live on a lake and inbetwwn the lake and the house is a large amountof wooded area. If we put it over there and ran a water pile line, a power supply from the house, and and bought heaters, put shalves with racks or plants and flowers by the windows and butterflies and a hot tub that would be great. It probably wouldn't work though, but if it would that would be the coolest thing. You could sit out there by the lake in the summer or winter and relax in the hot tube and watch the butterflies. I don't think the stream would be good for butterflies. Anyway...............
The other pets beside fish that I really liked was Leopard Geckos. Take a look at them. www.geocities.com/elgecko1989/geckos.html
At the back of my fish profile book it has info on fish but not that much. At the end of this book it has 20 pages of aquatic animals in there. Theres lots of them.
some other good cheap pets would be stick insects, mice or gerbils perhaps but i wouldnt recomend terrapins rats ferrits.
:lol: :lol: :lol: pet rock...too funny
We have a house bunny and he's generally inexpensive (except at first, cage,shots etc...) to take care of, but a lot of work. But he's such a sweet hunny bunny and he'll follow you around the house, hop up in your lap and beg to be petted and best of all.....he tolerates my rough kiddo!
I have a pair of African Dwarf Frogs. They are totally aquatic. Although they don't do much during the day, they become really active in the evening. The male sings as well. They only get to be about an inch (body length) and are easy to maintain, as long as you keep up water quality and provide heat.

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