i love cichlids

Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2003
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Hi, I think i have a preg Platy ! Its a female (obviously) its stomach is huge.I mean HUGE. It is in with some other Platies in a 5 gallon tank its in a fry coral at the moment, should i leave it in there until the fry are born ???
This is my first try at breeding Platies so Im not sure what to do???
Please Help !!!!!!
I would leave her in the corral, you will be able to keep a closer eye on her this way as well. B) What are you planning on doing with the fry?
Im going to take her out when they are born and im getting a bigger tank in a couple of weeks to they can have one to they selves.Thanks foor the help!!!!
Aid the Fry: You can utilise a breeding net to help the fry once they have hatched it will fit inside your tropical aquarium. I highly recommend you to purchase a "net breeder" not a plastic one as I have heard too many bad reports about them and my net breeder has worked flawlessly for me (plastic ones babies escape/get eaten or trapped! The net breeder has a frame made of plastic and is covered in fine net to separate the fry inside the net from the larger fish swimming around in the aquarium.

After livebearer female releases her babies, move as many young as you can catch into the net breeder. As a rough guide, a young female platyusually releases 12 to 30 babies in her first batch of young. In comparison a large mature livebearer may be able to release about 50 or so babies!

Leave the fry in the Net Breeder and feed them finely crushed flake food (as fine as you can crush it, use your fingers and rub them together really grinding it up very finely because any large bits will remain uneaten and will rot polluting your tank. When your baby fish have grown to about one inch, normally they can be released from the net breeder into the aquarium with the other fish.

Good luck :)
Ok, good luck with that, I found that if you add her too soon to the breeder she will abort the pregnancy you can tell this if there are no fry in the net breeder and she looks slimmer. Good luck! and let us know how you get on! :thumbs:

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