

Fish Fanatic
Nov 10, 2002
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Hello all, i know these types of topics have been bought up several million times but i really wanna know this...

i have a 35 gallon with 12 cardinals, 8 rummys, 2 pearl gouramis, 2 gold gouramis, 3 small clown loaches(will be moved soon) 2 cories and 2 algae eaters,(all of the fish are not at full size) the tank has a filter that pumps 160GPH(canister) and also have 2 pieces of driftwood, lots of live plants, no air pump and a heater. i was wondering if i could add 4 (2cm) tiger barbs in aswell, i really wanna add them. so if i keep up with the water changes can i add those 4 tiger barbs? and also i have the tiger barbs in a 15 gallon, with zebra danios and cories and my tiger barbs have not been aggressive at all to them.

What are the measurments of the tank in inchs???? Then I'll see if theres two many fish!!!!!!
Hellsorm, I would say you are close to maxing out. Your canister filter will give you an edge, but if you put the tigers into a tank that is well populated, they may cause trouble, even if they haven't befoire.

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