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  1. msudawgs56

    Cleaning A Tank.. Help!

    I agree with the vinegar... dilute a bit if needed. Just be sure to rinse it well... You can also use a straight edge razor blade along with the vinegar to help remove algae and hard water stains. Just run it slowly along the glass. If the tank is acrylic, do not use the razor blade. Good luck!
  2. msudawgs56

    Guppy Breeding

    Keep up with water changes. Mine love tublifex worms and blood worms. Mine breed like crazy with temperatures at 78-79 degrees. Good Luck!
  3. msudawgs56

    Update/pictures Of My Kribensis Fry And Fish Room

    Nice... you are like me... have a small spot to work in and surrounded by tanks! Couldn't ask for more..(well you could want more tanks :good: )
  4. msudawgs56

    My Betta Is An Official Daredevil Extraordinaire!

    I had one years ago that was a jumper. I was young and stupid and did not see the writing on the wall. Needless to say I had to scrape him off the hardwood floor when I got home. -_- Keep him covered.
  5. msudawgs56

    Our 2 Tanks (Community And Betta)

    I think you did a great job. Very clean and well aquascaped! :good:
  6. msudawgs56

    Somewhat Urgent!

    I think you'll be fine. My past female bettas were more aggressive than anything you have listed. I hope you get your leak fixed.
  7. msudawgs56

    I.d. My Fish...platy, Molly?

    I agree with above... looks like a very nice platy at that!
  8. msudawgs56

    My Guppies Beautiful Tail...

    Kribs is my guess. I've seen it first hand. I was moving my guppies around and put several males into the Krib tank temporarily and it was not good. Krib killed 3 males in 15 minutes. Bit the whole entire tails off each one. He made them crippled with no tail then finished them off I guess...
  9. msudawgs56

    I Think My Heater On The Blink

    I agree, just get another. The last thing you want is for it to stick and kill your fish by overheating. Good Luck
  10. msudawgs56

    My Tank & Fish

    Looks great!
  11. msudawgs56

    Wild Ones....

    Man, $15 is all you paid for each fish? That's a great price for an Angel that size. They look great!
  12. msudawgs56

    Our Two Tanks

    Tanks look good! Thanks for sharing!
  13. msudawgs56

    Some Pics Of My Tank

    Great Pics. Your tank looks great!
  14. msudawgs56

    Just Some Random Pics :)

    Love your pictures!
  15. msudawgs56

    My Tanganyikan Set Up

    Great Pics. Everything looks so clean and clear. Great Shots!
  16. msudawgs56

    Josh's Marine Breeding Tanks

    Very cool, I will be watching! Thanks for all the pictures.
  17. msudawgs56

    Pics Of My Tank....

    Your Angels look great!
  18. msudawgs56

    Ok I Got Snap Happy.

    Looks like you were busy! I bet you slept good! Great pics!
  19. msudawgs56

    My Juwel 400

    Wow!! Beautiful Tank! good job!
  20. msudawgs56

    My Tank And Fish Pics

    Good looking Tank you have there!
  21. msudawgs56

    My Community Tank

    Even if their fake, it still looks great!
  22. msudawgs56

    New Pics

    Tank looks great...
  23. msudawgs56

    My Tank

    Tank looks great!
  24. msudawgs56

    125 Setup

    White and orange parrot is awesome....
  25. msudawgs56

    My New Angels!

    Looking Good!
  26. msudawgs56

    New 4ft Setup ~ Maingano

    I love your Java Fern.... very good aquascaping
  27. msudawgs56

    Unkown Fish In My Guppy Tank...

    I agree, post a pic please and let us see.....
  28. msudawgs56

    Can You Private Message Other Members ?

    I am unable to private message other forum members and I do not know why... Is it me, or are we not allowed to PM other members? Thanks for the help..
  29. msudawgs56

    My First Tropical Tank! - 180l Community Planted

    looks good! welcome to the hobby/addiction
  30. msudawgs56

    Photos Of Some Of My Fish Taken Today

    fish look great.. i love your driftwood
  31. msudawgs56

    First Timer New Set Up

    looks good.. that tank itself is very nice ... i like your selection!