My Tank & Fish


Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorks
Hi! So after this weekend, my tank has seen quite a lot of change!

After a killing spree my Aequidens Diadema has gone to a better tank in the hands of Star4 :) Who also took my pictus, so I now have an empty(ish) bottom which needs sorting soon :)

And then on the way back this weekend I went to Fish Inc in god!! That place is incredible so many fish so so many fish and for once so many that were good for my tank! Was choosing between various Thoryicthys species, thought about an angel or two, then saw some more dwarf pikes. Then there were tons of mid sized geos and some festivums......then I saw some cupids and some guinacaras....... I decided on a trio of Geo sp.Tocintis......then I started looking at some schoolers or catfish haha

But for now here are my tank inhabitants most permanent some temporary (still)! So at the moment the tank looks like

1 Female Nic
3 HRP (1m 2f) <---- these are remaining fry from my old pair. The male there is about an inch females half an inch want to move them on soon though.
3 Geophagus sp.Tocintis
3 Annostomus Ternetzi
6 Turquoise Rainbows
2 L135
1 L75

Hoping to get maybe an angel, some cories and maybe a few more rainbows....

So here are the pics :)

Full tank


Female Nic - Elsie


One of the new Geos


One of the Anostomus - they are so fast hard to get pics but this one really shows off the lipstick of the ternetzi


This is plumb my male L135


And this is my L75 lurking under the wood


My group of turquoise rainbows


And this is the male HRP we call him troll because he was always the biggest of the brood and he used to live under a rock haha!!


So yeah thats my lot :) Just rescaped my tank and added in more valis moved the wood and the big plants.


Wow! I love the setup it looks fab! What wood did you use for the twig like structures very cool!
really nice set up.....It would be nice if you could enlarge the first pic....also how big is your tank???
Thanks guys :) Ill try and get a bigger pic but for some reason photobucket always resizes my pics Ill try and work out whats going on....

Sharky - The tanks 65 gallons, 4x16x18 (I think) got an FX5 running on it as well :)
Loving the new Geo's, very pretty, a little like Suri's :good:

Of course I like the rainbows, got 8 myself last week, I can see 1m and 2f in that picture.
Yeah I think I have 2 male and 4 female but they look pretty good :)

The Geos are F1. and Ive been told they get to about 6-7 inches but will hit 5 in a year then grow very slowly upto full size so pretty happy to have these in my tank atm as I should have my big tank this year with a spot of luck :). Also learned an interesting fact about Surinimensis, there are very few true Surinimensis in the hobby as its been quite some time since any fish were exported from Surinam (spelling) and most of those type of geos are actually an sp. form of altifrons or albios. Most are pretty similar and it comes down to placement of things like lateral spots and cheek markings but others get really long extensions on all fins and colours vary sometimes with some being gold/blue but some go pretty red in the body.
Yeah like a lot of fish, most are tank bred and probably crossed at some point.

My Geo's are 6", growing very fast now and growing lovely long extensions on their fins, primarily red/white markings.
Anyone know how to stop photobucket auto shrinking your pics? Think I might have to start a new account to stop it cos its getting annoying :(
On photobucket when your on the uploading page theres a button near where it says "Upload videos and images" called more options. If you click on this you can choose what size it changes your images to. :)

Anyone know how to stop photobucket auto shrinking your pics? Think I might have to start a new account to stop it cos its getting annoying :(
I think that without a pro account photobucket will resize below certain limits, I think it's like 1024 width or 1MB size etc
If this the sort of shrinking you are seeing there isn't anything that can be done about it I don't think
if you use it won't shrink your image, upload however large you want,
resize it before you send it

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