Update/pictures Of My Kribensis Fry And Fish Room


Fish Aficionado
Jan 14, 2009
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I did not get any pictures of my 2 week old fry, as the mom had them behind a rock and it was really hard to see them. However I do have 2 pictures of my 2 month old Kribensis which I think is safe to say they are an inch long.

2 month old Kribensis fry; 20 of them.


My 5/6 inch M. auratus that I took out of my 55 gallon tank and put him in my 29 gallon tank because he was becoming a nuisance to my other fish and plants.

My fish room (10 gallon on far left is going to be home to Kribensis fry in about a week).


My newly set up Pressurized CO2 system for my 55 gallon!

well, what do you guys think?

sigh....my dream is to be surrounded by tanks! JEALOUS! in the apartment I am limited to 2 by the boyfriend....but in a couple years once we find a house he told me I can have a whole room to go absolutely tank-nuts in....he even told me that I could build a whole room in the basement (if there is one) that way I know the floors can hold the weight! :good:
but for now, I will settle for just looking at tank rooms such as yours :rolleyes:
Thank you, I am glad you like it!

Your dream will come true, as these tanks are just crammed in my bedroom. :lol:

One day, however; I will have a room such as you described!

i love the tanks, my babies are a week or two younger than yours and the ones i added to my big tank earlier are wayyy bigger than the other ones, but still smaller than yours i think. sadly i only have around 5-7 alive though.

are you going to be selling the fry?
Nice... you are like me... have a small spot to work in and surrounded by tanks! Couldn't ask for more..(well you could want more tanks :good: )
Thanks for the reponses, I am glad you like the setup!

Yes, I do plan on selling the fry once they get big enough.

Ahh. I like the kribs, I have always wanted to keep those but don't know much about them :blink:

if you don;t mind me asking how much was the C02 setup?

p.s. my auratus did the same thing :crazy:
Ahh. I like the kribs, I have always wanted to keep those but don't know much about them :blink:

if you don;t mind me asking how much was the C02 setup?

p.s. my auratus did the same thing :crazy:

I spent about $160 to get the CO2 running.
$70 bucks for the CO2 regulator.
$70 bucks for the 5 pound CO2 tank, which should last at least 6+ months, or so I am told.
Then about $20 bucks for the diffuser, bubble counter, check valves and CO2 tubing.

You don't live that far away from me, so if you want, when my Kribs are big enough, I can sell some to you if you want. $4-$5 bucks each?

They look good! Come on dude, don't sell the kribs for like 5 bucks. They aren't worth it. You can get them full grown for like 6. Now, 2 or 3 bucks is a lot better price. I am working on getting my own little tank collection!
Oh, well I don't know? I bought mine for 8 bucks a piece. Okay, 2 or 3 bucks full grown. I am not going to sell any of my Kribs until they are full grown.

Ohhh, sorry! I just thought that was kind of a rip off! If they will be full grown 5 bucks isn't bad. Kribs that do sell around here (when stores have them) usually go for like 6-7 bucks. But yours are a lot healthier and better looking.
Thanks, Krib! Yeah, I want to get as much for them as I can, (unless I sell them to friends or members) so I don't plan on selling them until they are full grown.

I paid 8 bucks a piece for mine, which I thought was a little bit of a rip off? So this is why I thought 4-5 bucks would be a good deal?


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