Guppy Breeding


New Member
Jan 29, 2010
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I have a 10 gallon tank with guppies in it how can i induce breeding.?????
Ive never kept them myself but from what Ive heard they do it pretty much without any encouragement. The fry are pretty impossible to even give away though, check the classified section.
The only other thing I'd say is that the fry hide from being eaten in floating plants, so you might want to get some if you're not going to seperate them.
I wish I could have guppies but Im getting a betta so not really a possibility :(
Good luck!
Someone else can probably help you more.
Hi.And Welcome to the forum!:D

So you want to how to induce guppy breeding?
Its pretty easy.

I used to keep them but know im into more cichlids and stuff.
Anyway heres what you gotta do:

-Raise temp a few degrees if you have prego guppies.
-Have 1 male per 2 females.
-it takes about 24 day for the guppy to give birth.

Ask if you have anymore Q's!!
How many guppies are in the tank, what sex and is there any other fish in there? What's your temp at?
Keep up with water changes. Mine love tublifex worms and blood worms. Mine breed like crazy with temperatures at 78-79 degrees.

Good Luck!

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