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    To Small For Sterbai?

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    To Small For Sterbai?

    truckasauras123 - The dimmesions of the tank are 20"Lx12"Hx10"W OldMan47 - I don't know where you get your information from, but over-filtering does enhance the processing of ammonia. With extra surface area for biological filtration to occur, larger amounts of nitrogenous compounds can be...
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    To Small For Sterbai?

    I was wondering if a standard 10 gallon (38L) would be too small for 5 Corydoras sterbai? If I overfiltered would it be okay? The tank would also be used as a water lettuce tank (My other tanks are full of it) so I would think that a lot of the excess nutrients would be absorbed by the water...
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    My Betta's Tank Transformation

    Wow, have you never even heard of tannins before? They are coming from the topsoil under the pea gravel. That is the concept of a Walstad tank. If you know anything about Bettas then you know that they prefer a soft water environment (A.K.A "dirty brown water" by you). When ammonia is in water...
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    29 Gallon Journal

    Nice tank! I think I may know what your "mystery" plant is. A Hygrophila corymbosa "compact" or Hygrophila corymbosa "kompact". It goes by both names, if you plan to research it a bit then try them both. I am currently growing this plant, it grows at a fairly good pace. I hope this helped.
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    I Need To Make A Stocking Decision!

    In a couple weeks I plan to set up my first "big" tank. It will be 55 gallons. I have been keeping common community fish in little 10 gallon tanks for a year now, so I feel I am ready to get a bigger tank. I have rounded my stocking options to two choices. 12-14 Demasoni cichlids...
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    Phage's 55 Gallon Journal

    The first plant is definitely a species of amazon sword, I'm not sure which one...maybe ozelot? ( ) They are found natually with angelfish, so it isn't a surprise that eggs have been laid on one. (Well, swords are, but this is a man made var.) The...
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    Java Fern Leaves

    On my java fern, I saw a plantlet developing and left it. The day after though, I was scraping algae off of the leaves and I accidentally took the plantlet off. The plantlet was really small too, only about 0.5 - 1 cm across. I let it float for a while, then it just dissapeared. A month later I...
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    Any Reason?

    Fixed! Woohoo.
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    Any Reason?

    Slow here too...
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    Planting A Tank

    I'm still a noob to planted tanks myself, but I can help with what I have learned so far. An Amazon sword plant would be great for the angels, people say that is what they naturally spawn on. As for a "pretty" carpet plant, dwarf hairgrass (Eleocharis parvula) is as easy as it gets, it actually...
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    Ferts Are So Confusing!

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    Ferts Are So Confusing!

    Oops...the tank is 10 gallons. I will check out his site later.
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    Ferts Are So Confusing!

    Okay...I will try that. How long will it last? As I probably will only dose 1 ml a day (he said 1.5 for a 50 L tank). The solution itself must be like 600-650ish ml after everything is mixed in. That will last me at least 2 months or so. Also, will my local hydroponics shop (not sure if you guys...
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    Ferts Are So Confusing!

    I'm just going to be using a DIY co2 bottle... Should I use something else?
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    Ferts Are So Confusing!

    Yeah...I'm from Canada so it's not available locally, I would have to order it online (I'd rather not pay for shipping). What about seachem's products? If I was to use their liquid ferts, which should I use? It's only a little 10 gallon, so it's not like I have to dose that much.
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    Ferts Are So Confusing!

    :S I am in the midst of upgrading my low light planted tank into a higher light planted tank. I have 3 WPG atm (since this afternoon) and I am going to set up some CO2 tommorow or in a day or two. Anyways, I am so confused and overwhelmed with the topic of ferts because people day to buy dry...
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    Terracotta In The Aquarium?

    Wow, thanks for all the responses everyone!! I put an unglazed pot in my aquarium this afternoon, I hope my shrimp like it, so far I think, they think its some sort of giant fish mouth and are hesitant to enter. :P
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    Terracotta In The Aquarium?

    I was wondering if I could put one of those miniature terracotta pots in my aquarium. I have seen it done before, but is it safe? Which kind should I look for? (Glazed, unglazed, etc). I would like to use it as a refuge for some ghost shrimp. P.s. I posted this in the hardware section too, but...
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    Terracotta In The Aquarium?

    I was wondering if I could put one of those miniature terracotta pots in my aquarium. I have seen it done before, but is it safe? Which kind should I look for? (Glazed, unglazed, etc). I would like to use it as a refuge for some ghost shrimp.
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    Best Algae Eater For A Planted Tank?

    I know you said fish...but have you considered malaysian trumpet snails? I've heard they scavenge and eat algae and do all the good beneficial stuff! The only thing is that if you were to get them, you would need to get rid of the clown loach...
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    Incandescent Canopy, Fluorescent Bulbs?

    Thanks again for all your help!
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    Incandescent Canopy, Fluorescent Bulbs?

    ...Oh boy... they are over a peice of glass so not much heat would escape... Oh, would drilling some holes be okay? Now that I look at it, the top is already laced with slits (probably for ventilation). Should I still drill?
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    Incandescent Canopy, Fluorescent Bulbs?

    Lol, yes that is what I'm talking about. Thanks for answering my question!
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    Coconut Cave

    Don't quote me on this, but I have heard you need to boil them for 6 hours...
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    Incandescent Canopy, Fluorescent Bulbs?

    Someone on my local forum apparently took some 15 watt fluorescent bulbs and stuck them in their regular old 10g incandescent canopy. They apparently screwed them in and just turned it on. Does this work?? In my 10g incandescent canopy it says "Maximum 25 watt 'T' type bulbs" or something like...
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    Building A Cube Aquarium

    Oh :lol: If only it was actually profitable to ship fragile objects from Ireland to Canada :P If it really isn't out of your way I would like to know how much it is. Thanks so much for your help :)
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    Building A Cube Aquarium

    Sorry about that! lol, it was working a day or so ago, I will find a new picture... There :P That should work for now. BigC - What would the price be in Northern Ireland? (This way I maybe can get a rough estimate). Thanks for the help!
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    Building A Cube Aquarium

    20 Views, yet no one has any answers!?! Come on!
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    Building A Cube Aquarium

    I have been really inspired by a couple pictures to do a cube-shaped planted aquariums. I want to make an aquarium that has this shape: Except the dimensions would be 14"x14"x14". What thickness of glass should I use? How much can I expect to pay for...
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    Oops, Anubia.

    Before reading the "pruning" pinned thread on here, I cut my Anubia with some scissors, I didn't even cut close to the rhizome, closer to the leaf. What should I do? Pull the remaining part of the stem off? It's been cut for days now. Thanks.
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    45 Gallon Reef Diary Year Two

    *A Year Later* Update? I'm curious about your 65 Gal! Oh and pictures too! Please? :)
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    Just A Couple Questions

    Could I try any other watchman goby species? Wheeler's Watchman Goby? Two moving yellow objects in such a small space would cause me to go blind :P Instead, I'm thinking of maybe doing 1 Hi Fin Red Banded Goby and 1 Clown Goby, maybe even the green or citrinis kind instead. I'm assuming this...
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    Just A Couple Questions

    Can I have a clown goby and another kind of goby or would they fight? Also, what other fish would be good with a clown goby in here?
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    Atm's 5.5 Gallon Tank (reef In Progress)

    Its been about a year now, I was wondering how the tank was going? Is it still going stong or did it crash? (I'm hoping for going stong)
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    Just A Couple Questions

    Right now I am pretty far into the planning stage of my 10 gallon nano reef. I have done copious (When was the last time you heard that one ;)). I have a couple questions to ask that books and written resources just can't seem to answer. Can I keep a blue yellow-tailed damsel fish with a percula...
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    In those links I'm curious as to what the elbows are made of. I was thinking of actually making one of those projects.
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    If I say, made a giant upside-down U that had was 12" tall (out of the water).
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    At the following site this guy created an actual "water-bridge" Therefore, I knew it could be done, so I wanted to try and make one for myself using his instructions. It turns out that this project could cost be anywhere from $200-$500 depending on where...