Phage's 55 Gallon Journal


Fish Crazy
Sep 17, 2008
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Well this is my first real attempt at a planted tank. I guess we shall see how it goes.
Started Oct 11, 2008

Tank: 55USG 48inx12inx19in estimated
Lighting: T5 HO 2x 54W (One is 12,000k: Blue. The other is, well I don't know. The bulb doesn't say but it is pink so I assume a low K?) The lights came with the fixture so I left them in.
Filter: Top Fin Power Filter 60
Heating: 200W at 76-78F
Substrate: SeaChem Flourite mixed with a small amount of regular gravel.
CO2: Pressurized as of Nov 21
Ferts: KHPO4, CSM+B
Lighting Period: Roughly 9 hours.
Extras: Mopani Wood

Ceratophyllum submersum
Microsorum pteropus
Ozelot Sword?
Ludwigia repens
Bacopa monnieri
Crinum calamistratum
Baby Tears
Cryptocoryne wendtii brown and green
Cryptocoryne balansae
Anubias barteri
Vesicularia montagnei
Cladophora aegagrophila

2x Pterophyllum scalare
1x Mikrogeophagus ramirezi
5x Danio rerio
3x Danio kyathit
1x Trichogaster trichopterus
1x Synodontis nigriventris
5x Oto

First Planted:

Most current picture:

So, if anyone sees something wrong with my setup, please feel free to share.
Well first, I must thank those who have helped me and answered my millions of questions.

Second, pictures of my plants :)






Also, I notice some algae growing on the fake stump, side of the glass, and a little on the grass. How can I stop this? I assume something is wrong with my setup :X

I bought the java fern and ludwigia today. The hornwort is growing like mad and my sword has two new leaves starting to unfold.

These are the two plants I am not sure about:

The first plant is definitely a species of amazon sword, I'm not sure which one...maybe ozelot? ( ) They are found natually with angelfish, so it isn't a surprise that eggs have been laid on one. (Well, swords are, but this is a man made var.)
The second one is probably a sag, but it could be either a species of cryptocoryne (the base reminds me of one) or a species of onion plant (Crinum thaianum), maybe. I'm not 100% sure though.
It probably is an Ozelot. It just doesn't look as red as the others I've seen on the web. But the newer leaves are much redder. It is growing quite nicely though :)

Anyone have an idea why I'm getting a little algae? It is too much light and not enough CO2?
I bought three more plants today. I hope they do well.

I think this is Crinum calamistratum. It has a bulb and thin, crispy like leaves.

Brazilian Pennywort I assume.

I don't know what this is. Might be Baby tears. Not sure how well it will do...




Plants I ordered earlier in the month came. They look alright I guess. Today the plants leaves started to open a little. I think the shipper cut the crypts down because they would melt anyway.





Hopefully they grow nicely and I can finally get rid of the hornwort. Then make a nice pretty look instead of just growing stuff in random places :p


My crinum calamistratum is still battling hair algae and the bulb rotted away a little. It wasn't in the best shape when I first got i anyway...
My moneywort still looks sad. I cut most of it down. Hopefully the CO2 will help it.
The sword is still short, hopefully the CO2 helps that as well.
And my angels keep eating the wisteria... :shout:
I tried to cover as much as I could. I wanted a nice lower plant to populate the substrate but I never found any moss and the babytears kept floating to the top and the filter sucked them up.
I hoped I could have a mass of wisteria and pennywort. My wisteria has been turned to pulp by my angels. I'm looking for another plant to replace it or thinking of moving them to my 20gallon but I would prefer them having lots of space :\

Most of the plants I got online are doing alright. The balasae and wendtii are growing nice leaves but are still small. The tiger lotus bulbs also have tiny leaves growing. I can't say how my anubias are faring. They look the same to me. I put the christmas moss on the substrate. How does christmas moss 'reproduce'?

My sword still seems short though.... dunno if I've given enough time since I added co2.

I have green spot algae on the glass too :grr:
christmas moss just sends out more leaves and it will just keep spreading, eventually you will need to give it a haircut and you will have lots of it spare.

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