Just A Couple Questions


New Member
Jul 10, 2008
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Right now I am pretty far into the planning stage of my 10 gallon nano reef. I have done copious (When was the last time you heard that one ;)). I have a couple questions to ask that books and written resources just can't seem to answer. Can I keep a blue yellow-tailed damsel fish with a percula clownfish in these surroundings? (The clown would be added first). What about a Hi Fin Red Banded Goby (Stonogobiops nematodes) and a percula? Would 2 perculas and the goby be better? (I know this must be on the lines borderline overstocking). Also, I was thinking about a clown goby and a percula (get it? Clown-themed ;)) but what corals can I not keep because of the goby?


P.s. Sorry for all the questions I just don't want to sqrew up with fish/coral compatibility.
10g is too small for a clown IMO

the goby would be fine

personally i'd never put a damsel in my tank on the basis that they are pure evil ;)

coral wise, the clown goby wouldn't casue problems with any corals
Can I have a clown goby and another kind of goby or would they fight?
Also, what other fish would be good with a clown goby in here?
Yellow watchman goby would be good, maybe even a firefish goby
Yellow watchman goby would be good, maybe even a firefish goby

Could I try any other watchman goby species? Wheeler's Watchman Goby? Two moving yellow objects in such a small space would cause me to go blind :p
Instead, I'm thinking of maybe doing 1 Hi Fin Red Banded Goby and 1 Clown Goby, maybe even the green or citrinis kind instead. I'm assuming this would work?
I'm avoiding the thought of a firefish because I don't think it will be a covered tank, this could change though.

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