Ferts Are So Confusing!


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Jul 10, 2008
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I am in the midst of upgrading my low light planted tank into a higher light planted tank. I have 3 WPG atm (since this afternoon) and I am going to set up some CO2 tommorow or in a day or two.
Anyways, I am so confused and overwhelmed with the topic of ferts because people day to buy dry, mix it in with water and then throw it into the tank.
What do I dose though!?
What should the solution be like? (g per ml)
I mix my own dry ferts because I happen to work in a lab with all equipment and cheap chemicals available, but if you want to keep things simple, Tropica Plant Nutrition (TPN or TPN+) is a popular and easy to use fert. Not exactly the cheapest way to fertilize, though.
I mix my own dry ferts because I happen to work in a lab with all equipment and cheap chemicals available, but if you want to keep things simple, Tropica Plant Nutrition (TPN or TPN+) is a popular and easy to use fert. Not exactly the cheapest way to fertilize, though.
Yeah...I'm from Canada so it's not available locally, I would have to order it online (I'd rather not pay for shipping). What about seachem's products? If I was to use their liquid ferts, which should I use? It's only a little 10 gallon, so it's not like I have to dose that much.
in that case dont go for full EI as you need 30ppm CO2 (which means pressurized to keep it constant) as any fluctauations cause algae.

You might be better getting dry powders, then mixing them up according to this page here (which is basically trace & traces of NPK)


The above is basically the same as TPN+ but cheaper as you are producing it yourself!
in that case dont go for full EI as you need 30ppm CO2 (which means pressurized to keep it constant) as any fluctauations cause algae.

You might be better getting dry powders, then mixing them up according to this page here (which is basically trace & traces of NPK)


The above is basically the same as TPN+ but cheaper as you are producing it yourself!

Okay...I will try that. How long will it last? As I probably will only dose 1 ml a day (he said 1.5 for a 50 L tank). The solution itself must be like 600-650ish ml after everything is mixed in. That will last me at least 2 months or so.
Also, will my local hydroponics shop (not sure if you guys call it that in the UK) have all the ingredients? (Including E300 Ascorbic Acid and E202 Potassium Sorbate?)

Sorry for the bombardment of questions!
in that case dont go for full EI as you need 30ppm CO2 (which means pressurized to keep it constant) as any fluctauations cause algae.

You might be better getting dry powders, then mixing them up according to this page here (which is basically trace & traces of NPK)


The above is basically the same as TPN+ but cheaper as you are producing it yourself!

sorry to hijack the thread, but what type of fertilization would you recommend on a tank without CO2?
i have 2WPG of T5-HO 6700K lights and will also have Eco-Complete substrate. i intend to move into CO2 next year but in the meantime the plants will still need ferts! i'm in the US and TPN+ is not available either, but i can get ahold of all of seachem's products...yes or no on going with seachem and their recommended dosing schedule?
there's ONE store that MIGHT carry the TPN+ but it's a good 45 minute drive for me. i'll call tomorrow to see if they still carry it...if i can get ahold of it, would you really recommend TPN+ on its own over using the entire line of seachem's Flourish products? (Flourish, Excel, Iron, Potassium, Nitrogen, etc)...

thanks a bunch! :good:
Okay...I will try that. How long will it last? As I probably will only dose 1 ml a day (he said 1.5 for a 50 L tank). The solution itself must be like 600-650ish ml after everything is mixed in. That will last me at least 2 months or so.
Also, will my local hydroponics shop (not sure if you guys call it that in the UK) have all the ingredients? (Including E300 Ascorbic Acid and E202 Potassium Sorbate?)

Sorry for the bombardment of questions

what size tank is it? the reccomendation is 1ml per 20l.

not sure, i know that rex grigg sells dry ferts

sorry to hijack the thread, but what type of fertilization would you recommend on a tank without CO2?
i have 2WPG of T5-HO 6700K lights and will also have Eco-Complete substrate. i intend to move into CO2 next year but in the meantime the plants will still need ferts! i'm in the US and TPN+ is not available either, but i can get ahold of all of seachem's products...yes or no on going with seachem and their recommended dosing schedule?
there's ONE store that MIGHT carry the TPN+ but it's a good 45 minute drive for me. i'll call tomorrow to see if they still carry it...if i can get ahold of it, would you really recommend TPN+ on its own over using the entire line of seachem's Flourish products? (Flourish, Excel, Iron, Potassium, Nitrogen, etc)...

yes definatley, why pay for 10 different bottles when it is all in 1? TPN+ is a great fertiliser and i wouldnt hesitate to recomend it to anyone. :)
Okay...I will try that. How long will it last? As I probably will only dose 1 ml a day (he said 1.5 for a 50 L tank). The solution itself must be like 600-650ish ml after everything is mixed in. That will last me at least 2 months or so.
Also, will my local hydroponics shop (not sure if you guys call it that in the UK) have all the ingredients? (Including E300 Ascorbic Acid and E202 Potassium Sorbate?)

Sorry for the bombardment of questions

what size tank is it? the reccomendation is 1ml per 20l.

not sure, i know that rex grigg sells dry ferts

sorry to hijack the thread, but what type of fertilization would you recommend on a tank without CO2?
i have 2WPG of T5-HO 6700K lights and will also have Eco-Complete substrate. i intend to move into CO2 next year but in the meantime the plants will still need ferts! i'm in the US and TPN+ is not available either, but i can get ahold of all of seachem's products...yes or no on going with seachem and their recommended dosing schedule?
there's ONE store that MIGHT carry the TPN+ but it's a good 45 minute drive for me. i'll call tomorrow to see if they still carry it...if i can get ahold of it, would you really recommend TPN+ on its own over using the entire line of seachem's Flourish products? (Flourish, Excel, Iron, Potassium, Nitrogen, etc)...

yes definatley, why pay for 10 different bottles when it is all in 1? TPN+ is a great fertiliser and i wouldnt hesitate to recomend it to anyone. :)

well unfortunately the store didnt carry it...their online site, which ships from New York, carries Tropica Plant Nutrition, but not the Nutrition + unfortunately. soo to heck with it, based on the prices i looked at it wouldnt be that much more than what i paid for all 7 bottles of Seachem products...already placed my order! let's hope this works out :blink:

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