29 Gallon Journal


Oct 16, 2007
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Texas, USA
Starting up a second planted tank. Its a 29 gallon, 30"x18"x12" (i'm pretty sure). Other stats:

Marinland Bio-wheel 200 filter (rated for 50 gallons)

1.5" topsoil
.5" pea gravel

Eventual plant list:

Anarchis (in already)
Sunset Hygro (in already)
Hornwort (in already)
Java Fern
1-2 Crypts (not sure what kind yet...see what LFS has this weekend)
Anubias Coffefola
Ozelot or Melon sword

Eventual fish list:

4 guppies (3F,1M) (3 females in)
3 Mollies (2F, 1M) (1 male in)
8ish Zebra danios (2 in)
5-6 cory or small loach
1-2 centerpiece fish...either gourami, dwarf cichlid, or something like that

I think I've included all my plans there....
Tonight I'm working on gluing my rocks together to make some caves. I've been running my filter on my bowfront, and for now have the one from my ten in this one too. Also squeezed the media from my bowfront onto this one, so crossing my fingers its cycled, but I'll be checking closely.

If all goes well, going to be adding a few more fish/plants this weekend. It's always SO hard to wait, even just a few days!

Anyway, here's a little tank shot...kind of barren so far, but will get better.

Well, It's taken a little while to get this one off the ground, but it's coming along. I was gone for 10 days last week as it was thanksgiving break....over that time something happened to my guppies. I think it was dropsy, but I couldn't tell for sure as they seemed to have been dead for a couple days. However my Male molly seems to have dropsy as well. I've put him in a hosp. tank and been treating with Myracin Two. I also checked water stats and they were all good so not sure where the dropsy came from... Since the guppies are no longer, I don't think I'll replace them. I have lots of babies in my little 10 gallon fry tank, so maybe when they grow up I'll add them in, not sure.

Anyway, the current fish list is: 6 zebra danios, 2 dalmation mollies (f)

I'm having a really hard time deciding what to add, so that's been the stocking for like a month and might be it for awhile.

Current plant list is (l-r): R. Indica (not doing real well, might replace it), Cabomba, Sunset Hygro, Anarchis, Hornwort. Then in the front, a plant that I have forgotten the name of (if anyone can id it that'd be great), anubias coffeefolia, and java fern.

Here's the most recent pics:

(About 2 weeks ago)



Mystery Plant (excuse the brown algae):

Thanks for looking!

Nice tank! I think I may know what your "mystery" plant is. A Hygrophila corymbosa "compact" or Hygrophila corymbosa "kompact". It goes by both names, if you plan to research it a bit then try them both. I am currently growing this plant, it grows at a fairly good pace. I hope this helped.
Nice tank! I think I may know what your "mystery" plant is. A Hygrophila corymbosa "compact" or Hygrophila corymbosa "kompact". It goes by both names, if you plan to research it a bit then try them both. I am currently growing this plant, it grows at a fairly good pace. I hope this helped.

I think you're right! I started another thread for the plant ID a week or so ago and got the same response there. I really like it!

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