Search results

  1. R

    Female Betta's In A Comminity Tank ?

    usual they will get nipped and chased around for a week or so then they leave her alone i think they prefer being on thier own i had a female in mine for abit and after the first week she loved it
  2. R

    How Do Beanie Boxes Work?

    you seen this and yeah the prices seem expensive for them boxs
  3. R

    Brine Shrimp Growing

    thanks i think the problem was lack of air + not leaving the salt and to much salt,
  4. R

    Has My C02 Gassed My Tank?

    i had that kit i just used sugar over the first line then some warmish water to the 2nd then 1/2 to a teaspoon full of yeast then stir it some and volia, and when you mean surface film is it just on top of the water or? maybe do a couple of water changes and see it its still happening.
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    Brine Shrimp Growing

    Just got some adult brineshrimp im trying to keep alive but they seem to be dying alot, i have them in a bucket with a heater no light hardly and no airstone do they need light or air? as i put some air on for abit but it seemed to blow them about, also im using some red sea salt dose anyone...
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    Argh! P@h Refused To Sell Me A Betta

    thats crazy we have a couple of p@h here i doubt they would even ask me if i had a tank if i tryed to buy from them
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    Why Wont My Males Make Bubble Nests?

    I'm not sure i heard it's when they are happy they make nests but i had one inside my tank once in a breeding trap for 2 days while i established his new tank and he loved it in there making a new nest all the time, then i have another male who has his own 5g tank and ive never seen him make a...
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    Help Me Identify My New Bettas!

    nice bettas, Violetl ooks like SD/HM female to me not 100% tho and the top one Hades is almost a HM it seems, hopefully someone who knows more will be more accurate
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    Safest Way To Divide A Tank?

    anyone know where to buy that craft mesh or whatever it is online or any retailers who sell it in the uk?
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    Safest Way To Divide A Tank?

    nice i think ill go down and have a look at what size binders and such i can find, thanks for the help.
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    Safest Way To Divide A Tank?

    yeah i might order some what size tanks do you think they fit best 8 10 12 or 15" guessing 10" if they are A4 size, doubt they would fit my 15"wide tank but hopefully planning on getting a 2-3 foot to divide
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    Safest Way To Divide A Tank?

    i found thees do you think they would do it here
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    Safest Way To Divide A Tank?

    what are you using to hold them in them black things do they come with the file folders? might have to try make some on my tank
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    Safest Way To Divide A Tank?

    where do you buy or what do you use to make your dividers? looks great
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    Neptune Has A Sore Belly :p

    haha to greedy for there own good
  16. R

    Gonna Take On Breeding

    yeah get a few big grow out tanks if your parents let you 10gal to breed in, i just picked up a couple of 4 foot tanks for quite cheap looking in the paper.
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    New Spawn (white Gold Pk's)

    Is it best to condition them together in a divided tank then just remove the divide when ready? makes sense, congrats on spawn!
  18. R

    My Red Dragons, Spawning!

    really nice, is Liquifry good for new fry?
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    My First Bubblenest From My Fry!

    cute little nest, do bettas like sand? gunna use for my new bettas i think looks nicer.
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    My New Betta!

    very nice, cant wait to see the fry grown up!
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    Is This An Expensive Hobby

    yeah prices have gone up alot, hopefully they wont keep going up
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    First Aquarium: 20 G Tank Diary// Update: Aspen Is Dead...

    ahhh that somehow makes me feel better! not looking forward to todays water change though.
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    First Aquarium: 20 G Tank Diary// Update: Aspen Is Dead...

    ahh yeah i was doing a water change the other day and the hose came out of the bucket and leaked all over my foot, the the floor was soaking!! seems i'm not the only one who had this problem :)
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    yeah i noticed my new betta made one also, what dose it actually mean they are ready for breeding or just like making nests? grats on new fish.
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    Homebase Ammonia Didn't Work For My Fishless Cycle

    Hopefully pet/aquariums stores will start stocking
  26. R

    Female Betta With White "threads", And Other Questions

    haha prob knows its feeding time if she follows the stick around, bettas are great !!
  27. R

    Tank Help

    Thinking of getting a clearseal 24x12x12 tank will the Penn Plax Tank Divider 11.4" x 11.4" be ok inside it? if not are they easy to cut down to fit a 24x10x10 tank insted? Also another question if i buy a Clearseal 24" X 12" Crown Hood can i fit a lightning unit inside of hood and how do they...
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    On Their Way From Thailand

    yeah more then likely lol, do they deliver to the UK or just usa?
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    On Their Way From Thailand

    thailand is great i use to just see random fish in pots around bkk the climet is so warm they do well there, where do you order them do they ship worldwide?
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    Must See Betta Filter

    yeah i was guessing 25w would be about right i saw some heater pads but dont think they have any thermostat on them and the 25w is only a few quid more,
  31. R

    Must See Betta Filter

    nice tank, do you use a heater or dose the light heat it up? as it gets quite cold here in the winter what heater would you recommend for a tank that size?
  32. R

    Must See Betta Filter

    like this one ? setting up my beta tank asap thinking that filter with Aqua One Heater Thermostat 25W in a 25L tank hopefully they will all fit, also thinking of a 11W Arc Pod light do i actually need one? thanks.
  33. R

    About To Start Cycle

    great replys guys think ill remove the carbon from the filter and replace with some more ceramic.
  34. R

    About To Start Cycle

    thanks gunna try buy some ammonia tomorrow if i can find any along-side a decent test kit.
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    About To Start Cycle

    Just wondering if my flter will effect the cycle as i read it is designed to remove toxic ammonia or is this just with certain media? It's Fluval 305 with carb/them white things with a hole, hoping this wont effect the amount of time needed. Thanks.
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    Preasurized Co2

    Thanks for replys
  37. R

    Preasurized Co2

    Hi! Adding plants to my tank soon so i wanna get this sorted for good results. just ordered a yeast one but now relized id be better off with a longer lasting bottle ive found this one here.... - the...