New Spawn (white Gold Pk's)

well done, you wont get any probs as he is a great father, well he was when with me :rolleyes:
Is it best to condition them together in a divided tank then just remove the divide when ready? makes sense, congrats on spawn!
Is it best to condition them together in a divided tank then just remove the divide when ready? makes sense, congrats on spawn!
it was just easier to do it that way for me, as my females all live in a 4ft sorority together, so conditioning just one in there would have been a nightmare, i was feeding them 3-4 times a day while conditioning, and with them both together, it was really easy to do.

and thanks for all the congratulations guys :) will update if/when i see wrigglers.
I've got wigglers!!!

i'm afraid theres no chance of pics, as they are even tinier than last time, and my camera just isn't good enough. they are only visible as a speck when they drop down and back up to the nest

but thought i'd just let you all know. lets hope shimmer carries on being a good daddy
Congrats Ibble.......that's great news :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: It seems to have all gone like clockwork so far, so lets hope it carries on. Got my fingers crossed for you and your babies :good: :good:
i seemed to have hardly any fry survive from this spawn, and as some of you may know, i found the reason earlier this week, in the form of a dragonfly nymph lurking in the tank, apparently feasting on poor baby bettas!

anyway i have cleared out the tank, and moved the remaining fry (5) into a different tank as there are so few of them, and have mermaid mels jericho, and my hawn from devon_charm in the spawning tank now. will put some photo's of that on a separate topic soon.

but for anybody who is interested, here are some pics of the fry at almost 4 weeks old, exploring their new home
the tank








Ack, Sorry to hear about the invasion of the dragonfly nymph.

I must say, of the babies that did survive they all look really healthy and happy so at least that is something, thank you for sharing your spawn diary :good:
Very Pretty Bettas, so They should be Cute babies! Sorry about the losses though! That's terrible!

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